Christine Harvey was vacationing in France with her husband. She had written ahead to five publishers, giving them her dates in Paris, and suggesting appointment times. When she arrived at the first meeting, she spread her press clippings all over the assistant editor's desk, but wouldn't show him the book until he was convinced about her credibility. Finally, in desperation he begged, “Please Mrs. Harvey, can I see the book?” He said he would show it to the editor-in-chief, and give her an answer in three weeks. “Oh no,” Christine said, “I have to see him myself now because I'm leaving Paris Friday and need an answer by then. I'm showing the book to two other publishers.” He kept insisting a meeting was impossible. Then the editor-in-chief walked in and saw all the clippings. While the assistant was still arguing with her, the boss handed her his card and whispered out of earshot of his assistant, “Call me on Friday.” Christine called and his answer was “YES”. Since then, her books have been translated into 21 languages and published in 49 international


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