Go Where the $$ Is
Patti attended a real estate seminar to learn more about the speaker’s angle on the business. Of course, the speaker was selling books and tapes in the back of the room (BOR sales). Later she went to work for the speaker’s seminar company and discovered the company made more money on books, tapes and seminars than on real estate.She also discovered that she bought the wrong book. She did not need a book on real estate. She needed a book on how to write a book because there is more money in information.Feature
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Dan Poynter and other publishing industry experts. (Search on "tip" in archives for complete list.) - Today's Tip from Poynter: "Realize the Value of Information."
PUBLISHING TIP OF THE DAY"Realize the Value of Information."
Information about a product or service earns more than the product or service itself.
Pick just about any product, service or industry and you will find that the consultants, seminar leaders and authors are making more money than the business owners.
Your nonfiction book contains valuable information that people will buy to save time and money.
"The new source of power is not money in the hands of the few but information in the hands of many." -John Naisbitt, author, Megatrends 2000.
(c) 2000 by Dan Poynter. For more tips and information on book writing, publishing and promoting, see the Para Publishing Web site.
Don't waste your money on expensive, elaborate media kits. They gain little and cost lots. Simple yet powerful will do the trick at a fraction of the cost. The media is more interested that you have a good book, and an even better message to tell their audience.
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?