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About the IPPYs
The "IPPY" Awards, launched in 1996, are designed to bring increased recognition to the deserving but often unsung titles published by independent authors and publishers. Established as the first awards program open exclusively to independents, over 3,000 "IPPYs" have been awarded to authors and publishers around the world.
Independent publishers are extremely diverse, in both style and geography. This year’s IPPY competition attracted 3,700 entries in the national categories, 1,300 regional entries and 600 e-book entries. So, 5,600 total entries and 400 total medals presented. The medalists represented 45 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, five Canadian provinces, and ten countries overseas.
Where do the most IPPY winners live? For 2013, the most medal-winning books came from California, with a whopping 49 winners! New York is next with 27 winners, and then a very even distribution between Texas, Massachusetts and Colorado with 12 each; Michigan has 11 winners; Minnesota, North Carolina and Washington have 10 each; Illinois, Arizona, and Ontario each garnered 9 winners.
“Independent publishers are growing in number, and the quality of their work is increasing,” said awards director Jim Barnes. “One element driving the high rate of excellence is participation from university presses. This year, 29 medalists came from university presses and 9 came from museums. Their elevated level of writing, editing, design and production raises the bar and inspires us all.”
2014 Independent Publisher Book Awards Results
Recognizing Excellence in Independent Publishing - 18th Annual
Congratulations to all of this year's medalists and sincere thanks to the 2,500+ independent authors and publishers who participated.
Listed here are the 78 National Category medalists, 275 in all, chosen from about 3,700 entries. We also had 1,300 entries in the Regional categories, and 600 entries in the E-Book categories, so 5,600 entries in all. The 400 total medalists represent 45 U.S. states and the District of Columbia; 5 Canandian provinces; and ten countries overseas.
Click the links below to visit the Regional, Ebook and Outstanding Book of the Year medalist pages.
The 2014 IPPY Awards medal ceremony was held on May 28th in New York, on the eve of the BookExpo America convention. Some photos from the event are included here; see the entire photo album HERE. All photography by Andrew Lipovsky.
Congratulations to all!
1. Fine Art
Gold (tie): Hopper Drawing, by Carter E. Foster (Whitney Museum of American Art)
Art of the National Parks: Historic Connections – Contemporary Interpretations, by Jean Stern, Susan Hallsten McGarry, and Terry Lawson Dunn (Fresco Fine Art Publications)
Silver: The Vatican: All the Paintings, by Anja Grebe (Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers)
Bronze (tie): Chatting with Henri Matisse: The Lost 1941 Interview, by Henri Matisse with Pierre Courthion (Getty Publications)
Fresh Impressions: Early Modern Japanese Prints, by Carolyn M. Putney, Kendall H. Brown, Koyama Shūko, and Paul Binnie (Toledo Museum of Art)
2. Performing Arts
Gold: All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Beatles Release, by Jean-Michel Guesdon and Philippe Margotin (Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers)
Silver: Tom Petty: Rock ‘n’ Roll Guardian, by Andrea M. Rotondo (Omnibus Press)
Bronze: House of Blues: A Backstage Pass to the Artists, Music, & Legends, by Daniel Siwek (Insight Editions)
3. Photography
Gold: Mitakuye Oyasin, by Aaron Huey (Radius Books)
Silver: Johor: Asia Latitude One, by Justin Guariglia; text by John Krich (de.Mo Design LTD)
Bronze (tie): Keeping Time: The Photographs of Don Hunstein, by Don Hunstein; text by Jon Pareles; edited by Leo Sacks (Insight Editions)
India: In Word & Image, by Eric Meola (Welcome Books)
4. Architecture
Gold: Skyscrapers: A History of the World’s Most Extraordinary Buildings, by Judith Dupré (Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers)
Silver: Great Houses of Summit Avenue and the Hill District, by Karen Melvin (Big Picture Press)
Bronze: Space & Psyche, Edited by Elizabeth Danze and Stephen Sonnenberg (Center for American Architecture and Design)
5. Popular Fiction
Gold: 11 Stories, by Chris Cander (Rubber Tree Press)
Silver (tie): Infidelity, by Stacey May Fowles (ECW Press)
A Glittering Chaos, by Lisa de Nikolits (Inanna Publications)
Bronze (tie): Smart Mouth, by Holly Lörincz (CreateSpace)
On Grace, by Susie Orman Schnall (SparkPress)
6. Literary Fiction
Gold: Fugitive Colors, by Lisa Barr (Arcade Publishing)
Silver: Liliane's Balcony: A Novel of Fallingwater, by Kelcey Parker (Rose Metal Press)
Bronze (tie): The American Sun & Wind Moving Picture Company, by Jay Neugeboren (Texas Tech University Press) and
Mañana Means Heaven, by Tim Z. Hernandez (The University of Arizona Press)
7. Short Story Fiction
Gold (tie): Train Shots, by Vanessa Blakeslee (Burrow Press)
Corporeality, by Hollis Seamon (Able Muse Press)
Silver (tie): If a Stranger Approaches You, by Laura Kasischke (Sarabande Books)
Living Together, by Gloria Whelan (Wayne State University Press)
Bronze: Praying Drunk, by Kyle Minor (Sarabande Books)
8. Anthologies
Gold: Astoria to Zion: Twenty-Six Stories of Risk and Abandon from Ecotone's First Decade, by various authors (Lookout Books)
Silver (tie): Shy: An Anthology, Edited by Naomi K. Lewis and Rona Altrows (University of Alberta Press)
Stone Canoe Journal, Edited by Robert Colley (Syracuse University)
Bronze: The MemoryCare Plays, Edited by Margaret A. Noel (MemoryCare)
9. Juvenile Fiction
Gold: The Boy Who Ran, by Michael Selden (Woodland Park Press)
Silver: Finn Finnegan, by Darby Karchut (Spencer Hill Press)
Bronze: The Devil’s Backbone, by James Babb (CreateSpace)
10. Young Adult Fiction
Gold (tie): The Sin-Eater’s Confession, by Ilsa J. Bick (Carolrhoda Lab)
Some Quiet Place, by Kelsey Sutton (Flux Books / Llewellyn Worldwide)
Silver: Reclaimed, by Sarah Guillory (Spencer Hill Press)
Bronze: Beyond Infinity, by Charles Ames Fischer (Sienna Books)
11a. Fantasy
Gold: The Beasts of Upton Puddle, by Simon West-Bulford (Medallion Press)
Silver: Mistress of the Solstice, by Anna Kashina (Dragonwell Publishing)
Bronze: The Raven’s Warrior: A Novel,by Vincent Pratchett (YMAA Publication Center)
11b. Science Fiction
Gold: Artifact, by Shane Lindemoen (Boxfire Press)
Silver: Virtually True, by Adam L. Penenberg (Wayzgoose Press)
Bronze: The Last Firewall, by William Hertling (Liquididea Press)
12. Gay / Lesbian / Bi / Trans Fiction
Gold: Unbroken, by Larry Benjamin (Beaten Track Publishing)
Silver: Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, by Kirstin Cronn-Mills (Flux Books / Llewellyn Worldwide)
Bronze: Leap, by Z Egloff (Bywater Books)
13. Historical Fiction
Gold (tie): The Kiss, by Scott E. Blumenthal (Loose Leaves Publishing)
Anvil of God, Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles, by J. Boyce Gleason (iUniverse)
Silver: The Sixth, by Avery Hays (Diadema Press)
Bronze (tie): Daughters of the Dragon: A Comfort Woman’s Story, by William Andrews (MADhouse Press)
The Cairo Codex, by Linda Lambert (West Hills Press)
14. Military / Wartime Fiction
Gold: Deus Vult: One Knight’s Life, by Henry Beyer (Beyer & Small)
Silver: Valor’s Measure, by Thomas Wade Oliver (Substance Press)
Bronze: The Peacekeeper’s Photograph, by M.L. Doyle (Vine Hill Road Press)
15. Horror
Gold: Anathema, by D.A. Dalessandro (First Folio Press)
Silver: Chiral Mad 2: Anthology of Psychological Horror, Edited by Michael Bailey (Written Backwards)
Bronze: Caught on Film: An American Nightmare, by Andy Otto (CreateSpace)
16. Multicultural Fiction
Gold: How to Knock a Bravebird from Her Perch, by D. Bryant Simmons (Bravebird Publishing)
Silver: If I Never Went Home, by Ingrid Persaud (Blue China Press)
Bronze: First Generation, by David La Piana (CreateSpace)
17. Multicultural Fiction – Juv-Young Adult
Gold: Crystal City Lights, by Holly Moulder (Blue Marlin Publications)
Silver: I’m Just Me, by M.G. Higgins (Saddleback Publishing)
Bronze: Danny Blackgoat, Navajo Prisoner, by Tim Tingle (7th Generation)
18. Mystery / Cozy / Noir
Gold: What's a Witch to Do? by Jennifer Harlow (Midnight Ink Books / Llewellyn Worldwide)
Silver (tie): Coldwater, by Diana Gould (Rare Bird Books)
Colorado Noir: Stories from the Dark Side, by John Dwaine McKenna (Rhyolite Press)
Bronze (tie): Tough City, by Yuri Lowenthal and Keith Ikeda-Barry (Bug Bot Press)
Fleeting Glance, by Sherban Young (MysteryCaper Press)
19. Suspense / Thriller
Gold: Carved in Darkness, by Maegan Beaumont (Midnight Ink Books / Llewellyn Worldwide)
Silver (tie): The Cana Mystery, by David Beckett (Tuscany Press)
November Echo, by James Houston Turner (Regis Books)
Bronze (tie): Enough Rope, by P.L. Doss (Mayfair Press)
Corridor of Darkness, A Novel of Nazi Germany, by Patrick W. O’Bryon (Brantôme Press)
20. Religious Fiction
Gold: Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan England, by Dena Hunt (Sophia Institute Press)
Silver: The Lamp of Darkness: The Age of Prophecy, Book One, by Dave Mason with Mike Feuer (Lionstail Press)
Bronze: You Can't Be That, by Susan Wright Beard (Patten-Miller House)
21. Romance
Gold: The Echoes of Love, by Hannah Fielding (London Wall Publishing)
Silver (tie): The Red Chrysanthemum, by Linda Beutler (Meryton Press)
Song of the Storm (The Stone Trilogy, Book III), by Mariam Kobras (Buddhapuss Ink)
Bronze: The Bloodline War, by Tracy Tappan (B. Reed Publishing)
22. True Crime
Gold: Met Her on the Mountain: A Forty-Year Quest to Solve the Appalachian Cold-Case Murder of Nancy Morgan, by Mark I. Pinsky (John F. Blair, Publisher)
Silver: Skull in the Ashes: Murder, a Gold Rush Manhunt, and the Birth of Circumstantial Evidence in America, by Peter Kaufman (University of Iowa Press)
Bronze: Nameless Indignities: Unraveling the Mystery of One of Illinois’s Most Infamous Crimes, by Susan Elmore (The Kent State University Press)
23. Visionary Fiction
Gold: Mystic Tea, by Rea Nolan Martin (Wiawaka Press)
Silver: The Rockin' Chair, by Steven Manchester (The Story Plant)
Bronze: Cobalt Blue, by Peggy Payne (Roundfire Books)
24. Children’s Picture Books (7 & Under)
Gold: Momo and Snap Are NOT Friends! by Airlie Anderson (Child’s Play)
Silver (tie): What the Sleepy Animals Do at the Audubon Zoo, by Grace Millsaps and Ryan Murphy; illustrated by John Clark IV and Alyson Kilday (The Sleepy Animals)
The Night Before Baseball at the Park by the Bay, by David Schnell; illustrated by Macky Pamintuan (Self-Published)
Bronze (tie): Lenny the Crow, by Angela Halgrimson; illustrated by Brian Barber (Beaver’s Pond Press)
A Happy Hat, by Cecil Kim; illustrated by Joo-Kyung Kim (Magination Press)
25. Children’s Picture Books (All Ages)
Gold (tie): The Acrobat, by Alborozo (Child’s Play)
The Man with the Violin, by Kathy Stinson; illustrated by Dušan Petričić (Annick Press)
What Do You Do with an Idea? by Kobi Yamada; illustrated by Mae Besom (Compendium Kids)
Silver: Maurice’s Valises, Book II: The Micetro of Moscow, by J.S. Friedman; illustrated by Chris Beatrice (Mouse Prints Press)
Bronze: Stumble, Trip, Fall. by Robert Scully (Psst! Books)
26. Children’s Interactive
Gold: And Then… Story Starters: 20 Imaginative Beginnings, by M.H. Clark; illustrated by Alexandra Ball (Compendium)
Silver: My Very Exciting, Sorta Scary, Big Move, by Lori Attanasio Woodring, PhD; illustrated by Timm Joy (Child’s View Press)
Bronze: Story Lines: Illustrate-Your-Own-Books, by M.H. Clark; designed by Julie Flahiff (Compendium Kids)
27. Juvenile-Young Adult Non-Fiction
Gold: Flying with the Flak Pak: A Pacific War Scrapbook, by Kenny Kemp (Alta Films Press)
Silver: Bones Never Lie: How Forensics Helps Solve History’s Mysteries, by Elizabeth MacLeod (Annick Press)
Bronze: Fourth Down and Inches: Concussions and Football’s Make-or-Break Moment, by Carla Killough McClafferty (Carolrhoda Books)
28. Multicultural N-F Juv-Young Adult
Gold: Coloring, Learning & Activity Book: Puerto Rico, by Mark Drenth; illustrated by Abner Cardona (Sunnyscene)
Silver: Letters to Mandela, by Denise Stephani (Global Messages of Peace)
Bronze: Afghan Proverbs Illustrated, by Edward Zellem; illustrated by the students of Marefat High School, Kabul, Afghanistan (CreateSpace)
29. Multicultural Non-Fiction Adult
Gold: (1)ne Drop: Shifting the Lens on Race, by Yaba Blay, Ph.D. (BLACKprint Press)
Silver: Moving with the Seasons: Portrait of a Mongolian Family, by Liza F. Carter (Saltwind Press)
Bronze: The Work of Art: Folk Artists in the 21st Century, by Carmella Padilla (IFAA Media)
30. Essay / Creative Non-Fiction

Silver: Quench Your Thirst with Salt, by Nicole Walker (Zone 3 Press)
Bronze: Dead Meander: Essays, by Adria Bernardi (Kore Press)
31. Autobiography / Memoir I (Celebrity / Political / Romance)
Gold: Dining at the White House: From the President’s Table to Yours, by John Moeller with Mike Lovell (American Lifestyle Publishing)
Silver: The Education of a Lifetime, by Robert Khayat (Nautilis Publishing)
Bronze (tie): Me and Murder, She Wrote, by Peter S. Fischer (The Grove Point Press)
From Kristallnacht to Watergate: Memoirs of a Newspaperman, by Harry Rosenfeld (Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press)
32. Autobiography / Memoir II (Coming of Age / Family Legacy / Travel)
Gold: Bad Indians: A Tribal Memoir, by Deborah A. Miranda (Heyday Books)
Silver: The End of the Sherry, by Bruce Berger (Aequitas Books / Pleasure Boat Studio)
Bronze: Replacement Child, by Judy L. Mandel (Seal Press)
33. Autobiography / Memoir III (Personal Struggle / Health Issues)
Gold (tie): College Girl: A Memoir, by Laura Gray-Rosendale (Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press)
After Action: The True Story of a Cobra Pilot’s Journey, by Dan Sheehan (CreateSpace)
Silver: Heart’s Oratorio: One Woman’s Journey through Love, Death, and Modern Medicine, by Mary Oak (Goldenstone Press)
Bronze: Imaging My Inner Fire: Finding My Path Through Creating Art, by Martha Jane Petersen (Self-Published)
34. Biography
Gold: John Wayne: The Genuine Article, by Michael Goldman (Insight Editions)
Silver: Mystic Chemist: The Life of Albert Hofmann and His Discovery of LSD, by Dieter Hagenbach and Lucius Werthmüller (Synergetic Press)
Bronze (tie): Ida McKinley: The Turn-of-the-Century First Lady through War, Assassination, and Secret Disability, by Carl Sferrazza Anthony (The Kent State University Press/Published in cooperation with The National First Ladies’ Library)
Dolores del Río: Beauty in Light and Shade, by Linda B. Hall (Stanford University Press)
35. Aging/ Death & Dying
Gold: And In Health: A Guide for Couples Facing Cancer Together, by Dan Shapiro, PhD (Trumpeter Books / Shambhala Publications)
Silver: Changing the Way We Die: Compassionate End-of-Life Care and the Hospice Movement, by Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel (Viva Editions / Cleis Press)
Bronze: The Fifth Season: A Daughter-in-Law’s Memoir of Caregiving, by Lisa Ohlen Harris (Texas Tech University Press)
36. Animals / Pets
Gold: It’s Important to Paws: Lessons Learned from Animal Companions, by David Jensen (David Jensen Photography)
Silver: People Training for Good Dogs: What Breeders Don’t Tell You and Trainers Don’t Teach, by Melissa Berryman (iUniverse)
Bronze (tie): Porch Dogs, by Nell Dickerson (John F. Blair, Publisher)
Puppy-Mill Survivors, by Melissa McDaniel (Present Dog Press)
37. Business / Career / Sales
Gold: Talent Wants to Be Free: Why We Should Learn to Love Leaks, Raids, and Free Riding, by Orly Lobel (Yale University Press)
Silver: Hunting in a Farmer’s World: Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur, by John F. Dini (Gardendale Press)
Bronze: HR’s Seat at the Table: How to Lead the Conversations and Deliver the Talent That Drives Strategic Results, by Jack H. Cage, PhD, and Laura E. Larson (Leap for Words)
38. Coffee Table Books
Gold: Alternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the Underground, by Matthew Chojnacki (Schiffer Publishing)
Silver: A year in the life of Grange, by Philip White; photographed by Milton Wordley (Southlight)
Bronze: Of Beards and Men, by Joseph D.R. OLeary (Veto Design)
39a. Cookbooks
Gold (tie): An American Family Cooks, by Judith Choate with Michael Choate and Christopher Choate; photographed by Steve Pool; paintings by Stephen Kolyer (Welcome Books)
Stone Edge Farm Cookbook, by John McReynolds; photographed by Leslie Sophia Lindell (Stone Edge Farm)
Silver (tie): Sarogini’s Sri Lanka Food, by Sarogini Kamalanathan; photographed by Craig Kinder (Four Wallas Partnership)
Cooking with Intuition, by Cari Sánchez-Potter and Robin Rütenberg; photographed by Laura Evans (Intuition Ale Works)
Bronze: The Crimson Spoon: Plating Regional Cuisine on the Palouse, by Jamie Callison with Linda Burner Augustine; photographed by E.J. Armstrong (Washington State University)
39b. Cookbooks (Nutrition / Vegetarian)
Gold: Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook, by Dina Falconi; illustrated by Wendy Hollender (Botanical Arts Press)
Silver: Fast Fresh + Simple: Over 100 Delicious Recipes for Entertaining and Every Day, by Hope Cohen; photographed by Kristi Senat (Strawberryblonde Press)
Bronze: Well Fed 2: More Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat, by Melissa Joulwan; photographed by David Humphreys (Smudge Publishing)
40. Current Events I (Political / Economic / Legal / Media)
Gold: Hell and High Water: The Battle to Save the Daily New Orleans Times-Picayune, by Rebecca Theim (Pelican Publishing)
Silver: The Power of Habeas Corpus in America: From the King’s Prerogative to the War on Terror, by Anthony Gregory (Cambridge University Press)
Bronze: Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Independent Institute)
41. Current Events II (Social Issues /Public Affairs /Ecological / Humanitarian)
Gold (tie): Among Murderers: Life After Prison, by Sabine Heinlein (University of California Press)
Malignant: How Cancer Becomes Us, by S. Lochlann Jain (University of California Press)
Silver: Affluenza: How Overconsumption Is Killing Us – And How to Fight Back, by John de Graaf, David Wann, and Thomas H. Naylor (Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
Bronze: Blinded By Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind, by Osagie K. Obasogie (Stanford Law Books)
42. Current Events III (Foreign Affairs / Military)
Gold: New Media, Old Regimes: Case Studies in Comparative Communication Law and Policy, by Lyombe S. Eko (Lexington Books)
Silver: Palace of Yawns: How the United Nations Failed Poor Nations in the Population Explosion, by Peter H. Michael (Underground Railroad Free Press)
Bronze: Karaoke Singing Camels? by Bobby Hart (Hartbeat Publishing)
43. Education I (Workbook / Resource)
Gold: The Language of Learning: Teaching Students Core Thinking, Listening, & Speaking Skills, by Margaret Berry Wilson (Northeast Foundation for Children)
Silver: Doing Science in Morning Meeting: 150 Quick Activities that Connect to Your Curriculum, by Lara Webb and Margaret Berry Wilson (Northeast Foundation for Children)
Bronze: When the School Says No… How to Get the Yes! Securing Special Education Services for Your Child, by Vaughn K. Lauer (Jessica Kingsley Publishers)
44. Education II (Commentary / Theory)
Gold: Teaching That Changes Lives: 12 Mindset Tools for Igniting the Love of Learning, by Marilee Adams, PhD (Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
Silver: The New Digital Scholar: Exploring and Enriching the Research and Writing Practices of NextGen Students, Edited by Randall McClure and James P. Purdy (Information Today)
Bronze: An Agent of Change: Chicago Commons, by Frank S. Seever, Ph.D. (Ampersand Inc)
45. Environment / Ecology / Nature
Gold: Enter the Realm of the Golden Eagle, by David H. Ellis (Hancock House Publishers)
Silver: The Origin of Feces: What Excrement Tells Us About Evolution, Ecology, and a Sustainable Society, by David Waltner-Toews (ECW Press)
Bronze: The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye! by Sarah Carolyn Sutton (Tendril Press)
46. Erotica
Gold: Dark Secret Love: A Story of Submission, by Alison Tyler (Cleis Press)
Silver: Under Her Thumb: Erotic Stories of Female Domination, Edited by D.L. King (Cleis Press)
Bronze: The Pleasure Dial, by Jeremy Edwards (1001 Nights Press)
47. Finance / Investment / Economics
Gold: The U.S. Pension Crisis, by Ronald J. Ryan, CFA (The Leading Press)
Silver: The Terrible 10: A Century of Economic Folly, by Burton A. Abrams (The Independent Institute)
Bronze: The Joy of Financial Security, by Donna Skeels Cygan, CFP, MBA (Sage Future Press)
48. Gay / Lesbian / Bi / Trans Non-Fiction
Gold: The Missing Myth: A New Vision of Same-Sex Love, by Gilles Herrada (SelectBooks)
Silver: Red-Inked Retablos, by Rigoberta González (The University of Arizona Press)
Bronze: Queer Lessons for Churches on the Straight & Narrow, by Cody J. Sanders (Faithlab)
49. Gift / Specialty / Journal
Gold: Bump to Birthday: Pregnancy & First Year Journal, by Helen Stephens (from you to me limited)
Silver: All The Love in the World, by Jesse Hunter (Hardie Grant Books)
Bronze: Quotable: 20 Years of Black + White, by Quotable (Quotable Cards)
50. Holiday
Gold: Passover Parodies: Short Plays for the Seder Table, by Shoshana Hantman (Sidney Books)
Silver: A Fantastic Holiday Season, Edited by Kevin J. Anderson (WordFire Press)
Bronze: Rosie the Reindeer, by Chantell Taylor; illustrations by Shawna JC Tenney (Pangea Kids Publishing)
51. Health / Medicine / Nutrition
Gold: After the Error: Speaking Out About Patient Safety to Save Lives, by Susan McIver, Ph.D. and Robin Wyndham (ECW Press)
Silver: CURE’s Illustrated Guide to Cancer, Second Edition (CURE Media Group)
Bronze (tie): Breast Cancer Journey: The Essential Guide to Treatment and Recovery, by Ruth O’Regan, Sheryl Gabram-Mendola, Terri Ades, Rick Alteri, Joan Kramer, Kimberly Stump-Sutliff (American Cancer Society)
Integrative Nutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health & Happiness, by Joshua Rosenthal (Institute for Integrative Nutrition)
52. Graphic Novel / Drawn Book – Humor / Cartoon
Gold: Multiplex: There and Back Again, by Gordon McAlpin (Chase Sequence)
Silver (tie): Sinemania! by Sophie Cossette (ECW Press)
Did Houdini Ever Lock Himself Out of the House? And Other Curious Musings, by Tyler Linkin; illustrated by Eric Olson (Linkin Creative)
Bronze: DitzAbled Princess: A Comical Diary Inspired by Real Life, by Jewel Kats; illustrated by Katarina Andriopoulos (Marvelous Spirit Press)
53. Graphic Novel / Drawn Book – Drama / Documentary
Gold: War Brothers: The Graphic Novel, by Sharon E. McKay and Daniel Lafrance (Annick Press)
Silver: Brielle and the Horror, by Jared Barel, Jordan Barel, and Alex Goz (Loaded Barrel Studios)
Bronze (tie): Zen of Wonder: Hatter M Volume 4, by Frank Beddor and Liz Cavalier; illustrated by Sami Makkonen (Automatic Pictures Publishing)
Artifice, by Alex Woolfson; illustrated by Winona Nelson (AMW Comics)
54. History (U.S.)
Gold (tie): Connected: How Trains, Genes, Pineapples, Piano Keys, and a Few Disasters Transformed Americans at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century, by Steven Cassedy (Stanford University Press)
The Living White House, by Betty C. Monkman (White House Historical Association)
Silver: America’s Greatest Blunder: The Fateful Decision to Enter World War One, by Burton Yale Pines (RSD Press)
Bronze: A Killer Is What They Needed: The True, Untold Story of Commodore Perry Owens, A Sheriff of the Arizona Territory, by David Grassé (Graphic Publishers)
55. History (World)
Gold: Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish Rescue: How a French Priest Together with Jewish Friends Saved Thousands during the Holocaust, by Susan Zuccotti (Indiana University Press)
Silver: Scattered: The Forced Relocation of Poland’s Ukrainians after World War II, by Diana Howansky Reilly (The University of Wisconsin Press)
Bronze: The Bank Holiday Murders: The True Story of the First Whitechapel Murders, by Tom Wescott (Crime Confidential Press)
56. Home & Garden
Gold: An Invitation to Entertain: Recipes for Gracious Parties, by Elizabeth Stone (Bright Sky Press)
Silver: 100 Plants that Almost Changed the World, by Chris Beardshaw (Papadakis)
Bronze: Gardening by the Book: Celebrating 100 Years of the Garden Club of America, by Arete Swartz Warren (The Garden Club of America & The Grolier Club)
57. How-To (Crafts / Hobby / Industrial Arts)
Gold: Web Marketing on All Cylinders: Kick-Start Your Online Presence, by John McDougall (Intera Press)
Silver: Nose, Legs, Body! Know Wine Like the Back of Your Hand, by Len Napolitano (Wineology Press)
Bronze: Watercolour Toolbox: Essentials for Painting Success, by Karen Richardson (Friesen Press)
58. Humor
Gold: How Not to Be a Dick: An Everyday Etiquette Guide, by Meghan Doherty (Zest Books)
Silver: Midlife Cabernet: Life, Love & Laughter After Fifty, by Elaine Ambrose (Mill Park Publishing)
Bronze: Chronicles of an Irreverent Reverend: What Goes Wrong Can Make You Better, by Dr. A. Joseph Baroody Jr. (Joggling Board Press)
59. Inspirational / Spiritual
Gold (tie): Burning the Midnight Oil: Illuminating Words for the Long Night’s Journey Into Day, by Phil Cousineau (Viva Editions / Cleis Press)
Recipes for a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles, by Rivvy Neshama (Divine Arts)
Silver: Steps Out of Time: One Woman’s Journey on the Camino, by Katharine B. Soper (Stellaire Press)
Bronze: The Infinite Song, by Andrea Freeman (Halcyon Wind Press)
60. New Age (Mind-Body-Spirit)
Gold: Conversations with the Universe: How the World Speaks to Us, by Simran Singh (SelectBooks)
Silver (tie): Fault Lines: The Sixties, the Cultural War, and the Return of the Divine Feminine, by Gus diZerga (Quest Books Theosophical Publishing House)
Garden of Bliss: Cultivating the Inner Landscape for Self-Discovery, by Debra Moffitt (Llewellyn Publications)
Bronze: The Esoteric Tarot: Ancient Sources Rediscovered in Hermeticism and Cabala, by Ronald Decker (Quest Books Theosophical Publishing House)
61. Parenting
Gold (tie): Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All, by Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober (Viva Editions / Cleis Press)
Retro Baby: Cut Back on All the Gear and Boost Your Baby’s Development with More than 100 Time-Tested Activites, by Anne H. Zachry, PhD, OTR/L (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Silver: Depression and Your Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers, by Deborah Serani (Rowman & Littlefield)
Bronze: Bet On Black: African-American Women Celebrate Fatherhood in the Age of Barack Obama, Edited by Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Kifani Press)
62. Poetry
Gold: Birth Marks, by Jim Daniels (BOA Editions)
Silver: Corn Exchange, by Helen Vitoria (Wild Chestnut Press)
Bronze (tie): Darktown Follies, by Amaud Jamaul Johnson (Tupelo Press) and Earth Again, by Chris Dombrowski (Wayne State University Press)
63. Popular Culture
Gold: The SpongeBob SquarePants Experience: A Deep Dive into the World of Bikini Bottom, by Jerry Beck (Insight Editions)
Silver: Iron Man Manual, by Daniel Wallace (Insight Editions)
Bronze (tie): Beautiful Lego, by Mike Doyle (No Starch Press)
The Alluring Art of Margaret Brundage: Queen of Pulp Pin-Up Art, by Stephen D. Korshak and J. David Spurlock (Vanguard Productions)
64. Psychology / Mental Health
Gold: Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears, by Dan Peters, Ph.D. (Great Potential Press)
Silver: Mind Potential: Unzip the Fat Suit Using Your Mind, by Maggie Wilde (Mind Design Centre)
Bronze: “And Neither Have I Wings to Fly”: Labelled and Locked Up in Canada’s Oldest Institution, by Thelma Wheatley (Inanna Publications)
65. Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Gold: A Passion for Grouse: The Lore and Legend of America’s Premier Game Bird, Edited by Thomas R. Pero (Wild River Press)
Silver: Sailing on the Edge: America’s Cup, by Bob Fisher and Kimball Livingston (Insight Editions)
Bronze (tie): All the Babe’s Men: Baseball’s Greatest Home Run Seasons and How They Changed America, by Eldon L. Ham (Potomac Books)
Coach For a Nation: The Life and Times of Knute Rockne, by Jim Lefebvre (Great Day Press)
66. Reference
Gold: Arts Law Conversations: A Surprisingly Readable Guide for Arts Entrepreneurs, by Elizabeth T Russell (Ruly Press)
Silver: The Best Boring Book Ever of Select Healthcare Classification Systems and Databases, by Katherine S. Rowell and Ann Cutrell (Health Data Viz)
Bronze: A Farcountry Field Guide to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, by Kurt F. Johnson (Farcountry Press)
67. Religion
Gold (tie): Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel, and Quran, by Brian Arthur Brown (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers)
The Messianic Feast: Moving Beyond the Ritual, by T. Alex Tennent (Messianic Publishing)
Silver: Zen Confidential: Confessions of a Wayward Monk, by Shozan Jack Haubner (Shambhala Publications)
Bronze: Many Many Many Gods of Hinduism, by Swami Achuthananda (CreateSpace)
68. Science
Gold: Sabertooth, by Mauricio Antón (Indiana University Press)
Silver: The Naked Eye, by Dr Gerard Sutton and Dr Michael Lawless (A.K.A. Publishing)
Bronze: Hunting the Higgs: The Inside Story of the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, by Claudia Marcelloni and Colin Barras (Papadakis)
69. Self Help
Gold: Take Charge of Your Life: How to Get What You Need with Choice Theory Psychology, by William Glasser, MD (iUniverse)
Silver (tie): Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, by Dina Colman (Four Quadrant Media)
Walk Like a Buddha: Even If Your Boss Sucks, Your Ex Is Torturing You & You’re Hungover Again, by Lodro Rinzler (Shambhala)
Bronze: Beyond Divorce: Stop the Pain, Rekindle Your Happiness, and Put Purpose Back in Your Life, by Jeannine Lee (Deliberate Press)
70. Sexuality / Relationships
Gold: Partners in Passion: A Guide to Great Sex, Emotional Intimacy, and Long-Term Love, by Mark A. Michaels & Patricia Johnson (Cleis Press)
Silver: Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships, by John Amodeo, PhD (Quest Books)
Bronze: He Did You a Favor: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Breaking Up, Waking Up, and Discovering the Gift of You, by Debra Rogers (Self-Published)
71. Transportation (Automotive / Aviation / Railroad)
Gold: Railroads and the American People, by H. Roger Grant (Indiana University Press)
Silver: Drawing on Our History: Fishing Vessels of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, by James A. Cole (Documentary Media)
Bronze: Red Tractors: 1958-2013, by Lee Klancher et al. (Octane Press)
72. Travel - Essay
Gold: The Blind Masseuse: A Traveler’s Memoir from Costa Rica to Cambodia, by Alden Jones (University of Wisconsin Press)
Silver: Ghost Dance in Berlin: A Rhapsody in Gray, by Peter Wortsman (Travelers’ Tales)
Bronze: Before Tomorrow Comes, by Bob Demchuk (McFarland)
73. Travel - Guidebook
Gold: Prague: ARTĚL Style, by Karen Feldman with Scott Ross (ARTĚL Books)
Silver: Off the Beaten Page: The Best Trips for Lit Lovers, Book Clubs, and Girls on Getaways, by Terri Peterson Smith (Chicago Review Press)
Bronze: Flavours of Melbourne, by Jonette George and Ethan Jenkins (Smudge Books)
74. Women’s Issues
Gold: Being Fruitful Without Multiplying: Stories and Essays from Around the World, by Patricia Yvette, Renee Ann, and Janice Lynne (Coffeetown Press)
Silver: Whiskey Women: The Untold Story of How Women Saved Bourbon, Scotch, and Irish Whiskey, by Fred Minnick (Potomac Books )
Bronze: The Bridge to Take When Things Get Serious: A Memoir, by Lori Jakiela (C&R Press)
75. Writing / Publishing
Gold (tie): Counter-Culture Colophon: Grove Press, The Evergreen Review, and the Incorporation of the Avant-Garde, by Loren Glass (Stanford University Press)
Paper Dreams: Writers and Editors on the American Literary Magazine, Edited by Travis Kurowski (Atticus Books)
Silver: Writing in Community: Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block and Transform Your Life, by Lucy Adkins and Becky Breed (WriteLife)
Bronze: Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story, by K.M. Weiland (PenForASword Publishing)
76. Best Book / Author / Publisher Website
Gold: www.DawnaStone.com
Silver (tie): www.FairyBirds.com
Bronze: www.TheGenderBook.com
Click here to visit last year's medalist page with links to artwork, merchandise, and award ceremony photos.