The "IPPY" Awards, launched in 1996, are designed to bring increased recognition to the deserving but often unsung titles published by independent authors and publishers. Established as the first awards program open exclusively to independents, over 2,800 "IPPYs" have been awarded to authors and publishers around the world.
Independent publishers are extremely diverse, in both style and geography. This year’s IPPY competition attracted 3,741 entries in the national categories, 1,072 regional entries and 390 e-book entries. So, 5,203 total entries and 372 total medals. Themedalists represent 44 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, seven Canadian provinces, and ten countries overseas.
“Independent publishers are growing in number, and the quality of their work is increasing,” says awards director Jim Barnes. “One element driving the high rate of excellence is participation from university presses. This year, 29 medalists came from university presses and 9 came from museums. Their elevated level of writing, editing, design and production raises the bar and inspires us all.”
2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards Press Page
IPPY Award Winners Rock New York!
A rockin' good time was had by all during the 16th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards ceremony on June 4, 2012, at Providence on 57th Street in New York. The former MediaSound recording studio and disco attracted 350 IPPY Award-winners and guests, including Mitch Ryder, author of Devils & Blue Dresses: My Wild Ride as a Rock and Roll Legend.
See more photos from the event below and the entire photo album of downloadable images here.
All photos taken by Steve Bollinger; spokesmodels are Kaitlyn Pollock and Trey Gerrald.
Ready to Build Your Summer Reading List? Check Out IPPY Award-Winners for 2012
(May 8, 2012 - Traverse City, MI) Summer's almost here and it's time to stock up on award-winning books to read. Need some suggestions? The winners of the 16th Annual Independent Publisher Book Awards have been announced and will be celebrated on June 4th during the annual BookExpo America publishing convention in New York. Conducted each year to honor the year's best independently published books, the "IPPY" awards recognize excellence in a broad range of subjects and reward authors and publishers who "take chances and break new ground."
Independent publishers are extremely diverse, in both style and geography. This year's IPPY competition attracted 5,200 entries, and the 372 medalists represent 44 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, seven Canadian provinces, and ten countries overseas. Launched in 1996 as the first unaffiliated awards program open exclusively to independent, university, and self-published titles, the IPPY Awards contest rewards winners in 74 national, 22 regional, and five e-book categories with gold, silver and bronze medallions and foil seals for their book covers.
See complete results for the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards at http://www.independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=1534
"Independent publishers are growing in number, and the quality of their work is increasing," says awards director Jim Barnes. "One element driving the high rate of excellence is participation from university presses. This year, 29 medalists came from university presses and 9 came from museums. Their elevated level of writing, editing, design and production raises the bar and inspires us all."
University presses are known for tackling controversial topics and complex social issues. For example, Arab Detroit 9/11 (Wayne State University Press) explores how the lives of Arab Americans have changed in the "terror decade," Sovereign Erotics (The University of Arizona Press) is an anthology of voices from the Native American GLBT community, and In This Timeless Time (University of North Carolina Press) tells the stories of Texas prison inmates on Death Row.
Looking for something a bit lighter? Popular topics like country music, wine, and 60's counter-culture are covered by these fiction winners: Murder on Music Row (John F. Blair, Publisher) by Stuart Dill, Vertical (sequel to Sideways, from Loose Gravel Press), by Rex Pickett, and We Were Stardust (Bucket List Books), by Kathrin King Segal. IPPY Awards also went to six mouth-watering cookbooks, one of which is Off the Menu: Staff Meals from America's Top Restaurants (Welcome Books) and five intimate biographies, one being House of Cash: The Legacies of My Father, Johnny Cash (Insight Editions), by John Carter Cash.
So many books, such a perfect time...to start reading an IPPY Award-winning book today!
The IPPY Awards are presented by IndependentPublisher.com, "THE Voice of Independent Publishing" operated by publishing services firm Jenkins Group of Traverse City, Michigan. Members of the media are invited to attend the IPPY Awards celebration on Monday night before BookExpo America.
For more details about the Awards, to attend the event, or to interview recipients, please contact:
Jim Barnes, Managing Editor & Awards Director
IndependentPublisher.com / Jenkins Group
IPPY Awards on Facebook
Ph: 1.800.644.0133 x1011
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IPPY Awards merchandise site:
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IPPY Awards "IP" logo artwork:
IPPY Awards Gold Medal artwork:
IPPY Awards Silver Medal artwork:
IPPY Awards Bronze Medal artwork:
Amazon IPPY Award Winner Bookstore:
(All 2012 medalists available at Amazon.com will be added soon)
White paper entitled "Using Book Awards to Boost Your Book Sales": http://www.independentpublisher.com/includes/IPPY/WP1update.pdf
IPPY Awards blurb:
The Independent Publisher Book Awards were conceived in 1996 as a broad-based, unaffiliated awards program open to all members of the independent publishing industry. The awards are intended to bring increased recognition to the thousands of exemplary independent, university, and self-published titles produced each year, and reward those who exhibit the courage, innovation, and creativity to bring about change in the world of publishing.
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Here again are the entry numbers: 3,741 National category entries; 1,072 Regional category entries; 390 E-Book category entries -- for a total of 5,203 entries. IPPY Medalists represent 44 U.S. states plus Washington, D.C.; 7 Canadian provinces, and 10 countries overseas.
Back to results article.
Outstanding Books of the Year article.