by Dr. Chandler George, "The Ageless Energy Coach."
Quick tips for putting more energy into every day! Todays tip: Balance Eating Habits! A thumbnail of fat with every meal; good fats like Flaxseed oil or Canola oil. Remember, the fats may already be in the food, so check before adding even a thumbnail of fat.Feature
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Tami DePalma and other publishing industry experts. Today's Tip from DePalma: "Provide Effective Interview Questions."
When providing Interview Questions, structure them from the general to the specific. Think in the mind of a radio host. Quick blurbs. Sound bites. What would they really ask? What do their listeners want to know?
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?
Making the Most of BookExpo America 2000 - Chicago, June 1-4
Now That It's Over, FOLLOW UP!
Don't trust that the publisher, journalist, or service provider that seemed so enthusiastic about your project will remember you, no matter how strong an impression you think you made or how much material you loaded them up with.
Now is the time to follow up on contacts made at BEA, preferably via email, as everyone is busy catching up on a week's worth of calls and mail. Sort out those business cards and write those thank you notes, just like your mother taught you.