Celebrating Earth Day with Books for Better Living

The Living Now Book Awards celebrate the innovation and creativity of newly published books that enhance the quality of our lives, from cooking and fitness to relationships and mature living. The awards are open to all books written in English and intended for the North American market. The gold, silver and bronze medalists in this year’s Living Now Book Awards offer a list of books representing the fastest-growing segments of book publishing today, and the Living Now Book Awards help demonstrate the importance of these books to readers and their vitality in the marketplace. The awards are presented by Jenkins Group of Traverse City, Michigan. Jenkins Group has been involved in book packaging, marketing and distribution since 1988, and is dedicated to promoting books that improve readers’ lives, bring families together, and make the world a safer, healthier place.
Announcing the 2011 Living Now Book Awards Results
Recognizing the Year's Best Books for Better Living
Here are the gold, silver and bronze medalists in our third annual Living Now Book Awards, designed to honor the year's best books that help readers attain healthier, more fulfilling, and productive lives. Announced on the eve of Earth Day, the Living Now Book Awards recognize books that help readers help themselves, to learn about enriching their lives in wholesome, Earth-friendly ways. In all, 97 medals were awarded in 29 categories, chosen from 452 total entries. Winning publishers are a diverse group, hailing from 28 U.S. States, three Canadian provinces, and five countries overseas. Congratulations to all!
Here are the Living Now Books of the Year, chosen because they best represent the spirit of the Living Now Awards and the aspects of mind, body, spirit. All receive gold medals.
Mind: Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life, by Shelley Carson, PhD (Jossey-Bass)
Body: Growing Roots: The New Generation of Sustainable Farmers, Cooks, and Food Activists, by Katherine Leiner (Sunrise Lane Productions)
Spirit: Soul Whispers II: Secret Alchemy of the Elements in Soul Coaching, edited by Sophia Fairchild (Soul Wings Press)
Here are the Living Now Book Award winners, listed by category.
1. Cookbooks/General
Gold: The Elixir of Life Cookbook: Finding Love and Joy in the Passionate Pursuit of Food , by Lisa Dahl (Forza)
Silver: Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook , by Julie Albert & Lisa Gnat (Pinky Swear Press)
Bronze: Celebrating Chocolate: Cakes, Brownies & Bars, by Avner Laskin (Leisure Arts)
2. Cooking/ Natural (Nutrition, Organic, Vegetarian, etc.)
Gold: Benessere Well-Being: Vegan & Sugar-Free Eating For a Healthy Life-Style, by Laurinda Erasmus (Quinoa Publishing)
Silver: Winter Harvest Cookbook, by Lane Morgen (New Society Publishers)
Bronze: The Global Vegan Waffle Cookbook, by Dave Wheitner (Divergent Drummer Publications)
3. Cooking/Ethnic/Holiday
Gold: World Family Kitchen, by Kate Pleatman (Createspace)
Silver: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes From The East For Health, Healing, and Long Life, by Yuan Wang, Warren Sheir, and Mika Ono (Da Capo Lifelong Books)
Bronze: Afghan Cuisine: A Collection of Family Recipes, by Nafisa Sekandari (Avagana Publishing)
4. Crafts /Hobbies/Collecting
Gold (tie): Trash Origami: 25 Paper Folding Projects Reusing Everyday Materials , by Michael G. Lafosse and Richard L. Alexander (Tuttle Publishing) and Amy Barickman’s Vintage Notions: An Inspirational Guide to Needlework, Cooking, Sewing, Fashion and Fun, by Amy Barickman (Amy Barickman LLC)
Silver: Encyclopedia of Quilting: Updated and Revised, by Donna Kooler (Leisure Arts)
Bronze: ABC 3-D Tumbling Blocks and More, by Marci Baker (Alicia’s Attic)
5. Gift/Specialty/Keepsake
Gold: The Note, by Mike O’Mary (Dream of Things)
Silver (tie): …and she sparkled, by Joan Steffend (Tristan Publishing) and friend, by Jodi Hills (Tristan Publishing)
Bronze: The Gardener’s Guide to Growing Money Trees, by Dave Bell (David Bell Garden Design)
6. Gardening/Farming/Landscaping
Gold: Energy-Wise Landscape Design , by Sue Reed (New Society Publishers)
Silver: Nature’s Secret Messages: Hidden in Plain Sight, by Elaine Wilkes (Hay House)
Bronze: Successful Home Gardening, Second Edition, by E. Gorden Wells, Jr. (Self Published)
7. Animals/Pets/Livestock
Gold: Down-To-Earth Natural Horse Care: Keeping Your Horse as Best Suits His Mind, Body, and Soul, by Lisa Ross-Williams (Talking Horse Publishing)
Silver (tie): Horse at the Corner Post: Our Divine Journey, by Denise Lee Branco (Strolling Hills Publishing) and Wild Life Images, by Lawrence H. Rosenthal (Self Published)
Bronze: Only Angels: How to Raise and Train the Perfect Sighthound, by Cherie Fehrman (Fehrman Books)
8. Green Living (Alternative energy, Conservation, Cleaning, etc.)
Gold: Twelve by Twelve: A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid & Beyond the American Dream, by William Powers (New World Library)
Silver: The Legacy: An Elder’s Vision For Our Sustainable Future, by David Suzuki (Greystone Books)
Bronze: Tossed & Found: Where Frugal is Chic, by Barb Tobias (Mile High Press)
9. Outdoor Recreation (Sports, Camping, Hiking, Paddling, etc.)
Gold: Every Natural Fact: Five Seasons of Open-Air Parenting, by Amy Lou Jenkins (Holy Cow!Press)
Silver: Wallie Exercises, by Steve Ettinger; illustrated by Pete Proctor (Active Spud Press)
Bronze: Nature Study for the Whole Family, by Laurel M. Dodge (Royal Fireworks Press)
10. Journal/Planner/Calendar
Gold: Mirror Makeovers and Savvy Insights for the Everyday Gal Surviving Cancer and Baldness with a Sense of Humor, by Regina E. Savage (Quiet Angel Publishing)
Silver: My Child, My Business: Organizational and Management Skills for Parents of Children with Special Needs, by Sandra Werle, M.Ed. (Exceptional Consulting Inc.)
Bronze: My Life Matters, by Bobette Kyle, Cecilia George, Laura Thake (Lifestyle Inspirations)
11. Family (Parenting/Health/Safety)
Gold: Breathe: 52 Oxygen-Rich Tools for Loving and Living Well with Autism, by Gayle Nobel (Desert Beach Publications)
Silver: What Not To Say: Tools for Talking with Young Children, by Sarah MacLaughlin (Bay Island Books)
Bronze (tie): Superfoods: Make Your Child a Genius, by Amitabh Pandit and Minnie Pandit (Bjain Publishers) and Hope for Families of Children with Congenital Heart Defects, by Lynda T. Young (Kindred Press)
12. Family Activities/Travel
Gold: The Family ROI Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide to Realizing Your Best Family, by Barbara Fagan-Smith and Lesli Gee (Family ROI)
Silver: The No-Diet Obesity Solution for Kids, by Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPH (AGA Press)
Bronze: Heart of a Student Athlete: All-Pro Advice for Competitors and Their Families, by Karl Mecklenburg (Mecklenburg Motivation)
13. Finance/Budgeting
Gold: Inheritance Tug-of-War Stories, by Peter McClellan ChFC (The Legacy Conversation Company)
Silver (tie): From Ramen to Riches: Building Wealth in Your 20s, by James G. Wood (The Tannywood Group Inc) and The Money Saving Wealth Building Guide for the New Economy, by Dr. Glenn H. Petry (Grand Avenue Press)
Bronze: Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows, by Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D.,CFP (Rehl Financial Advisors)
14. Social Activism/Charity
Gold: Thriving Beyond Sustainability: Pathways to a Resilient Society, by Andres R. Edwards (New Society Publishing)
Silver: Orphans of Katrina: Inside the World's Biggest Animal Rescue, by Karen O’Toole (Give a Dog a Bone Press)
Bronze: Choosing a Sustainable Future: Ideas and Inspiration from Ithaca, NY, by Liz Walker (New Society Publishers)
15. Personal Growth
Gold: Optimizing the Infinite Mind, by Erantha De Mel, PhD, DSc (Meli Inc USA)
Silver: Uncertainty to Confidence: A New Way of Living Your Life, by Karissa Thomas (New You Publishing)
Bronze: Peace in the Heart & Home: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Creating a Better Life for You and Your Loved Ones, by Charlette Mikulka (Kittacanoe Press)
16. Relationships/Marriage
Gold: Fighting For Your Marriage, by Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley, Susan L. Blumberg (Jossey-Bass)
Silver: Secrets of Happy Couples: Loving Yourself, Your Partner, and Your Life, by Kim Olver (InsideOut Press)
Bronze: Thriving After Divorce, by Tonja Evetts Weimer (Atria/Beyond Words)
17. Femininity/Sexuality/Style
Gold: Breast Cancer: No One Chose This Journey, by Fran Padgett (Bayou Publishing)
Silver: Women I Adore, by Lynda Taylor (1770 Bliss)
Bronze: Living Without Reservations: A Journey by Land and Sea in Search of Happiness, by Barbara Elaine Singer (Hear Me Roar Press)
18. Enlightenment/Spirituality
Gold: The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom, by Master Zhongxian Wu (Singing Dragon)
Silver: The Practical Power of Shamanism: Heal Your Life, Loves and Losses, by Mary L. Stoffel (Innovative Order)
Bronze: Living Nonduality: Enlightenment Teachings of Self-Realization, by Robert Wolfe (Karina Library)
19. Motivation/Inspirational
Gold: To Be and How to Be: Transforming Your Life through Sacred Theatre, by Peggy Rubin (Quest Books)
Silver: Silent Sacred Holy Deepening Heart, by Em Claire (Silvergirl Publishing)
Bronze: Destined to Live, Despite Me: Biblical Truths for Suicide Survivors, by Yolanda Shanks (Self Published via Believers Press)
20. Nutrition/Dietary
Gold: Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods 8 Weeks To Reverse Heart Disease, by Janet Bond Brill, Ph.D., R.D., LDN (Three Rivers Press)
Silver: The 7 Principles of Fat Burning: Get Healthy, Lose Weight and Keep it Off! by Eric Berg,DC (KB Publishing)
Bronze: Daniel’s Diet: The 10 Day Detox and Weight Loss Plan, by Philip Bridgeman BSc, N.D (Ark House Press)
21. Exercise/Fitness
Gold: Tai Chi Ball Qigong: For Health and Martial Arts , by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming and David Grantham (YMAA Publication Center)
Silver: Vital Healing: Energy, Mind and Spirit in Traditional Medicines of India, Tibet & the Middle East- Middle Asia, by Marc S. Micozzi (Singing Dragon)
Bronze: Managing Stress with Qigong, by Gordon Faulkner (Singing Dragon)
22. Health/Wellness
Gold: IBD Self-Management: The AGA Guide to Crohn’ s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, by Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH (AGA Press)
Silver: Hormone Harmony, by Alicia Stanton, M.D. and Vera Tweed (Healthy Life Library)
Bronze: The Green Medicine Chest: Healthy Treasures for the Whole Family, by Judith Boice, N.D., L.Ac (Seven Winds Institute)
23. Survival/Recovery
Gold: The Law of Sobriety, by Sherry Gaba, LCSW (HCI)
Silver: Still Dancing: One Dream, One Dog, One Stage, by Gabrielle Ford (Gabe and Izzy Publishing)
Bronze: Letters to Survivors: Words of Comfort for Women Recovering From Rape, by Matt Atkinson (RAR Publishing)
24. Meditation/Relaxation
Gold: Bowing: A Moving Meditation for Personal Transformation, by Dahn Yoga Education (BEST Life Media)
Silver: Meditation Capsules: A Mindfulness Program for Children, by Janet Etty-Leal (Meditation Capsules)
Bronze: The Little Book of Meditation: A Guide to Stress-Free Living, by Marina C. Bear, Ph.D. (SLG Books)
25. Yoga/Pilates/Bodywork
Gold: Yoga Therapy for Every Special Child, by Nancy Williams (Singing Dragon)
Silver: What I See, I Can Be, by Janet Williams (Light Connections Press) Bronze: Zen and Horseback Riding, by Tom Nagel (Ko-gen Publications)
26. Mature Living/Aging
Gold: The Good Life: A Positive Approach to Growing Older, by Sybil M. Lassiter, Ph.D., R.N. (Barnhardt & Ashe Publishing)
Silver: Fifty Something: You Still Have Time to Redeem Your Body and Soul from Past Neglect, by Dr. Robert M. Fleisher (uphill books)
Bronze: Laugh Away Your Stress For Seniors, by Leonie McMahon DO Dacup DHyp (LJM Healing Pty Ltd)
27. Grieving/Death & Dying
Gold (tie): Tincture of Time: Living Through Grief to Hope, by Judy Schreiber-Mosher (Soteria Press) and Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms, by David Kessler (Hay House)
Silver: Little Cloud Lamb, by Ana A. de Eulate; illustrated by Mónica Carretero (Cuento de Luz)
Bronze: Final Details, by Maurice N. Hansen (Christian Services Network)
28. Women’s Fiction
Gold: Spin the Plate, by Donna Anastasi (Black Rose Writing)
Silver: All Torc’d Up, by Nell Gavin (Self Published)
Bronze: Crossing the Dream Line, by Michele Vachon Beaudin (Images and Words Press)
29. Inspirational Fiction
Gold: A Sudden Dawn, by Goran Powell (YMAA Fiction)
Silver: Fat People, by Bill Schubart (Magic Hill)
Bronze (tie): The Eden Prescription: The War Against Cancer is Not What You Think…, by Ethan Evers (CreateSpace) and Jolt: a rural noir, by Roberta M. Roy (Alva Press)