Welcome to the Axiom Business Book Awards

The Axiom Business Book Awards celebrate their second year with this list of the past year’s best business books and their creators.
The goal of the awards is to celebrate the innovative, intelligent, and creative aspects of the books that make us think, see, and work differently every day.
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Axiom Business Book Award Winners for 2010 Announced
How to succeed in business? Read the best business books!
(Traverse City, MI, Mar. 24, 2010) Jenkins Group and IndependentPublisher.com are proud to announce the results of the third annual Axiom Business Book Awards, honoring the best business books published during the past year. The 2010 winning books bring to life the Axiom Award motto, “Success through Knowledge,” by offering a wide array of business improvement tools, from using the Internet (What Would Google Do?), to verbal communication (Talk Less, Say More), to launching a freelance writing career (The Well-Fed Writer).
This is a difficult time for business owners, and the title of the Economics category silver medalist says it all: The Sellout: How Three Decades of Wall Street Greed and Government Mismanagement Destroyed the Global Financial System. Luckily, dozens of Axiom Award winning books will help readers comprehend the situation, learn how to improve their careers and businesses, and prepare themselves for the coming economic rebound. In all, 78 medals were awarded, and entries came from publishers of all sizes from all over the English-speaking world. See the complete results listing at http://www.independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=1353.
With our sagging economy, and so many people rebuilding their careers or starting over completely, the Axiom medalists in the Career category offer a range of ideas. Womenomics, by Good Morning America senior correspondent Claire Shipman and BBC journalistic Katty Kay, explores and redefines the roles and value of women in business today; Wired magazine co-founder Alan M. Webber asks us to examine our own values, and suggests his Rules of Thumb: 52 Truths for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self; first-time author Dan Burns may not be a household name, but The First 60 Seconds: Win the Job Interview Before it Begins is changing lives by offering down-to-earth advice about winning your dream job in a competitive market.
One of the biggest household names in business books, Ken Blanchard, won gold in the Business Fable category, for Who Killed Change?, another of his compact volumes meant to be read over a weekend or on a long airplane flight. Our judges found it to be, “a wonderful piece of storytelling” and, “A great concept, well-executed. This is the kind of storytelling we look for in all genres.” Business books don’t have to be stuffy – these medal-winning books are compelling, great reads.
“This year more than ever, the Axiom Award winners represent knowledge that will help businesses survive and thrive, and also give young people just starting out some advice and inspiration from the world’s best business minds,” said company founder Jerrold Jenkins. “There’s an entrepreneurial current running through the business world, with new enterprises being created by highly talented people, and they keep up on the latest trends through reading. These awards are meant to bring great books and great business people together.”
See a complete listing of results at the IndependentPublisher.com website: http://www.independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=1353
Learn more about the Axiom Awards at http://www.axiomawards.com
Learn more about Jenkins Group at http://www.jenkinsgroupinc.com
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