Welcome to the Axiom Business Book Awards

The Axiom Business Book Awards are celebrating their inaugural year with 25 different categories, designed to bring increased recognition to the year’s very best business books and their creators. The goal of the awards is to celebrate the innovative, intelligent, and creative aspects of the books that make us think, see, and work differently every day. The awards offer no global boundaries, giving participants from every continent the opportunity to earn further recognition for their English-language titles. Celebrate with us and experience the greatest business books the world has to offer...including yours! Click here to receive 2009 Axiom Awards (for 2008 releases) email updates.
Axiom Business Book Awards Press Center
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Jenkins Group Announces the
2008 AXIOM Business Book Awards Results
Traverse City, Michigan - On August 15th, 2007, Jenkins Group launched the first annual, 2008 Axiom Business Book Awards, designed to honor the year's best business books and their authors and publishers. Now, almost seven months and nearly 400 entries later, we announce the winners: on the following pages are the Gold, Silver and Bronze medal designations in each of the 25 Axiom Award categories.
"The Axiom Business Book Awards are intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary business books and their creators, with the understanding that business people are a very well-read and informed segment of the reading population," said Jenkins Group founder Jerrold R. Jenkins. "Today's business book readers are eager to learn about great new titles that will inspire and inform them, and help them improve their careers and businesses."
The Axiom Awards results list includes categories of books intended for professionals (International Business/Globalization); for general consumers (Retirement Planning); books about business people (Memoir/Biography); and books meant to motivate and entertain (Business Fable). The largest categories in terms of participation were Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Success/Motivation, in that order. The big winners among publishers are Portfolio/Penguin with five medals, Wiley with four, and Free Press and Bloomberg with three medals apiece. Notable authors include Seth Godin, Vince Poscente, and Suze Orman (all medal-winners in the Success/Motivation category).
“We’re impressed by the current explosion of new business titles onto the market from around the world, and thrilled that so many of them entered our contest,” says Jenkins. “These Axiom Award-winning titles make up a very valuable reading list for those looking for cutting-edge ideas and advice.”
“With so many large companies currently downsizing, there’s a more entrepreneurial climate in the business world today,” says Jenkins. “All kinds of new enterprises are being created by some very talented people, and they keep up on the latest trends and new ideas through reading. These awards are meant to bring great books and great business people together.”
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More information contact Jim Barnes, email: jimb@bookpublishing.com
phone: 1-800-644-0133 x1011
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Here are some photos from the Axiom event. To view all 75 photos from the event, email Jim Barnes for an invitation to the online photo gallery.