Bookselling 101 the Old Fashioned Way

Students in Vermont and Wisconsin Get In-store Experience
Bookselling This Week reports on two unique projects, in which high school students in Vermont and Wisconsin are taking the idea of working after school in the local bookstore to a new level. These students are doing more than just stocking bookshelves part-time -- they are helping to open and to manage new bookstores. It's all a part of two separate high school initiatives to teach literacy-loving students the ins and outs of small business administration and the rewards of bookselling.

Linda Ramsdell, owner of independent bookstore Galaxy Bookshop in Hardwick, Vermont, is having high school students from Craftsbury Academy, a public high school, help her open a bookstore in Craftsbury, Vermont. The idea "came from one of my best friends," she told BTW in a recent interview. "She started a teen-powered cafÈ. I was inspired by what she was doing, and I really enjoy working with kids."

Read the entire story.

In Eau Claire, Wisconsin, it was Pam Gardow's idea to start a Memorial High School Bookstore (MHSB) with the help of students. As the high school librarian, "literacy is a big issue with me," she told BTW. "So I organized the Teen Literacy Initiative [TLI] in September, and we recruited kids to apply." The students were asked to write an essay regarding literacy and why they should be accepted to TLI. Those accepted to TLI were awarded a trip to the Upper Midwest Booksellers Association (UMBA) regional in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Read the entire story.