Gotta Have Stuff To Sell

Brian Tracy is a well-known, dynamic professional speaker who commands more than $10,000 per presentation. But his speeches also require a great deal of customizing and preparation time and lots of distant travel. His aim is to increase his inventory of books, tapes and other information/motivation products to achieve a 95% to 5% product-to-speaking mix. And, he is moving toward that goal.
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Dan Poynter and other publishing industry experts. (Search on "tip" in archives for complete list.) - Today's Tip from Poynter: "Sell Products -- Not Hours."
PUBLISHING TIP OF THE DAY"Sell Products, Not Hours"
Hours are few, products are many.
Most people sell their hours. Whether they work for someone else and punch a clock or are self-employed, they are selling their time. Some people charge more for their hours than others do. Doctors, for example, charge a great deal for their time.
The challenge is that even doctors have only eight, ten, or twelve hours a day to sell. Once those hours are sold, they stop earning. A product, on the other hand, can keep on selling. Once you have developed it, it can sell even while you are sleeping. The ideal mix is to sell some of your hours and a lot of product.
A book is a product; an ideal product.
"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." -Golda Meir (1898-1978), Israeli premier and a founder of the state of Israel.
(c) 2000 by Dan Poynter. For more tips and information on book writing, publishing and promoting, see the Para Publishing Web site.
Don't waste your money on expensive, elaborate media kits. They gain little and cost lots. Simple yet powerful will do the trick at a fraction of the cost. The media is more interested that you have a good book, and an even better message to tell their audience.
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?