Changin' Times...
When The Self-Publishing Manual was revised for the 11th time, editor Karen Stedman contacted each reference in the text and each supplier listed in the 62-page Resource Section. She discovered that an astounding 85% of the addresses had changed since the last edition--in just 13 months! Most changes were area codes but there were also changes to email addresses, web sites, fax numbers and even some street addresses.Feature
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Dan Poynter and other publishing industry experts. (Search on "tip" in archives for complete list.) - Today's Tip from Poynter: "Check Your Facts."
Publishing Tip of the Day:Do not just copy resources out of other books.
Nonfiction writers have long realized that they have a responsibility to their readers, to their own credibility and to history, to check all the facts they present in their books. The challenge increases today due to the rapid growth in our knowledge base and the ongoing changes in our technology.
Check all your facts, not just the addresses. When you write a book, you are committing history.
"When you speak, your words echo only across the room or down the hall. But when you write, your words echo down the ages." -Bud Gardner, co-author Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul.
(c) 2000 by Dan Poynter. For more tips and information on book writing, publishing and promoting, visit the Para Publishing Web site.
Marketing Tip of the Day:
Pay Attention to Time Zones, Show Times and Deadlines: Rise with the roosters to call the media who can only be reached while the roosters are still crowing. Stay up late to see the moon rise to reach the media who begin their shifts with the werewolves.
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?