Searching for Sound

A Sonic Memorial of 9/11
A group of National Public Radio producers is creating a sonic memorial to commemorate and chronicle the people, places and endeavors that made up the life and history of the World Trade Center. The desire to pay tribute has led to a nationwide collaboration spearheaded by Lost & Found Sound and includes NPR,, WNYC, Sound Portraits, Verizon, KQED San Francisco and a team of independent radio producers throughout the country. We seek the kinds of daily audio recordings that create the accidental documentaries of our lives -– our voice-mail, phone messages, home recordings, dictation tapes, recorded business transactions, business voice-mails. This includes messages that hold the voices of those lost on Sept. 11, captured in the course of their ordinary business days. Other valuable audio includes corporate videos, audio that was housed at unaffected offices in other locations and tourist videos and video e-mails (v-mails) sent from the top of the World Trade Tower on the 107th floor Observation Deck, etc. Any related recordings or suggestion of people you think we should contact will be greatly appreciated.Audiobook News: Publishers to Release Audiobooks of Inspiration and Hope
Themes of courage, heroism, peace, faith, humanity, and patriotism expressed in new collections.
"Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that thou wilt keep the United States in thy holy protectionand entertain a brotherly affection and love for
their fellow citizens of the United States at large."
So begins Spirit of the American Voice, a new patriotic collection of spoken word and song, with the heartfelt words of George Washington's Revolutionary War-era prayer.
Americana Publishing Inc. has turned to the inspirational voices of various authors, poets, and songwriters to present this message of hope to Americans and their friends abroad. Spirit of the American Voice includes patriotic anthems and hymns of faith woven through the fabric of the spoken word, expressing the pride that has carried this great nation forward in times of peril and celebration.
"The staff at Americana Publishing was very interested in doing something for the victims' families of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on America. Because we own the rights to many American "patriotic songs" like "Battle Hymn of the Republic," "God Bless America," and the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine themes, I asked audiobook reviewer Bennet Pomerantz of Audioworld if he was aware of a CD/Tape/MP3 that had all these songs on it," said Americana's VP of Sales Ann Edenfield.
"He wasn't aware of any current production, but got very excited about the idea of working with us to produce products that could benefit the victims' families, and also be worthwhile for all Americans. Suddenly, in about 27 hours, this project has taken on a life of its own."
"Our audiobook readers were willing to read, and Bennet found 11 well-known poets and authors that were willing to donate their works. Every single person I talked to wanted to get involved. It was SO exciting to feel the energy that surrounds this project. We want this to be something that we, at Americana, are proud to produce. But more importantly, we want the finished products to capture the pride, pain AND determination to find peace, that we all have as Americans."
Further inspiration is heard in powerful, key phrases from The Declaration of Independence and The Preamble to the Constitution. Traditional hymns such as "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "This is My Country," performed by the United States Joint Choir of the Armed Forces, will reveal the age-old glory of American patriotism and revel in the beat of the everlasting American spirit. "The Star Spangled Banner" is performed a cappella by Linda Cotton, who also joins in on an exciting rendition of This Land is Your Land, complete with Native American drumming. To close, "Amazing Grace" is set to a stunning jazz interpretation that will revive a weary soul.
Writers from across the United States have contributed sentiments of hope and understanding in memory of those that lost their lives on September 11th. Themes of courage, heroism, peace, faith, humanity, and patriotism glorify the strength of Americans and their will to overcome tragedy. The Reverend Dr. Robert Schuller speaks of faith conquering fear, and Bruce Coville's "A Time for Heroes, A Time for Courage" reinforces the importance of heroes in our children's lives. Poets, such as Cheryl Sawyer and Pam Binder, hark to the character of Americans that unifies such a great country of diversity. And, from Sen. John McCain's book, Faith of My Fathers, you will hear McCain's ever-inspiring story of sacrifice and courage during his years spent with his comrade, Mike Christian, in a Vietnam War camp, which closes with The Pledge of Allegiance.
In its mission to lend to the healing of the weary hearted, Americana Publishing Inc. is donating a portion of the proceeds from Spirit of the American Voice to The September 11th Fund, a collection which will benefit the families of the victims from the World Trade Center disaster. "We at Americana Publishing in association with co-producer Bennet Pomerantz, offer our prayers of a kinder future to the victims' families, to our fellow Americans, and to our allies across the world. It is our hope that the words and music contained in Spirit of the American Voice will rouse a positive vision of America's journey towards Peace," said Edenfield.
Look for Spirit of the American Voice at the Americana Books website, or at participating book retailers on November 9th.
For authors who wish to further the endeavor we have begun, please send submissions to:
Americana Publishing Inc.
303 San Mateo NE, Suite 104 A
Albuquerque, NM, 87108
Attn: Lisa Savard, Managing Editor
Phone (888) 883-8203 Fax (505) 255-6189
We will consider all submissions for a pending book project that lends hope and a helping hand to those in need.
Spirit of the American Voice
Audiocassette: ISBN 1-58807-076-X; $12.95; Approx. 72 min.
CD: ISBN 1-58807-077-8; $12.95
The shock and desolation felt during the week following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, caused Americans to gather in unprecedented numbers in houses of worship. They sought solace and guidance from their religious leaders. Regardless of creed, the same questions echoed: Where can we find God amidst the rubble? How can we answer hate with love? Is there hope for peace?
One answer to these questions may be found in another unique publishing project that is being created in both audiobook (The Audio Partners Publishing Corp.) and in print (Walker & Co.). Restoring Faith: America's Religious Leaders Answer Terror with Hope includes profound and inspiring sermons delivered by ten diverse religious leaders in many faith communities immediately after September 11, 2001. The book will challenge listeners and readers to learn and understand with their heads and their hearts and provide an enduring testament to the power of religious freedom in action.
Restoring Faith is edited and introduced by Forrest Church, senior minister of the Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York City. Rev. Church has written or edited 20 books, including the forthcoming Bringing God Home, to be published by St. Martin's in May 2002. He is the son of the late U.S. Senator Frank Church of Idaho.
The audio version includes compelling, live recordings of sermons and homilies delivered in the week after the terrorist attacks, and features religious leaders who are among the most thoughtful and skillful communicators of our time. It offers the immediacy and passion of inspirational messages formed in the crucible of crisis, and guides listeners through grief and fear to understanding and hope, using the full power of the spoken word.
The book should appeal to a wide audience with a multi-faith approach, and serve as a source of continuing comfort in times of crisis and as a collectible historical document. As we all seek ways that the tragic terrorist events might actually transform our lives for the better, the testament of hope in these sermons shows a path toward rebuilding our society on a stronger foundation.
The ten featured clergymen, representing an interfaith range of beliefs, share the pain with their congregations and bring hope and direction to a people newly lost. From East Coast to West, from conservative to liberal, whether Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, the inspired words are heartfelt and healing. Collectively, they rise to the greatest spiritual challenge of our time. Clergymen represented include the Reverends Forrest Church (All Souls Unitarian Church, NYC), Paul Gonyea (Atlanta Church of Religious Science), William L. "Scotty" McLennan, Jr. (Dean for Religious Life, Stanford University), Dr. R. Scott Colglazier (University Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX), Dr. Arthur Caliandro (Marble Collegiate Church, NYC), Dr. Alvin O. Jackson (National City Christian Church, Washington DC), Rabbi Harold S. Kushner (Temple Israel, Natick, MA), and Imam Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid (Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem).
All publisher profits from the sale of the audiobook are being contributed to charities benefiting the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Audiobook: 2 Cassettes; 2 hours 30 minutes; $15.95; ISBN: 1-57270-272-9
2 CDs; ISBN: 1-57270-273-7; $15.95
Ships Nov. 15, 2001
Companion book will be published by Walker & Co.
ISBN 0-8027-7632-9; ships Nov. 10, 2001