BookExpo America 2001 News
Stay updated on the latest developments and get ready to attend North America's premier book industry event.
LAST CHANCE FOR PRIME EXHIBIT SPACE!BookExpo America is coming up fast - June 1-3 at McCormick Place in Chicago. As a result of some last minute booth moves and cancellations, prime space has opened up on the exhibit floor (as of April 10). Here's your last chance to showcase your product or service at North America's premier book industry event if your are not already exhibiting, or to improve your location if your are!
Prices range from $2,950 for a 10'x10' booth to $11,050 for a 10'x40' space. Contact Group Sales Director Steve Rosato directly at 203-840-5463 for more information.
Making your personal travel arrangements has never been so easy! As a BOOKEXPO AMERICA 2001 participant, you can take advantage of special low rates. Simply call the BookExpo America Travel Desk at 1-800-395-4262 (International callers call 312-527-7300) and identify yourself as a BookExpo America 2001 participant.
Contact Info:
BookExpo America Travel Desk/TTG
110 W. Hubbard Street
Chicago, IL 60610 USA
Toll Free: 1-800-395-4262 (8:30 am - 5:30pm CST Mon-Fri)
Outside the U.S. Call: 312-527-7300
Or FAX: 312-329-9513
email: traveldesk@TTGonline.com
Save on all of your arrangements with just one phone call! The Travel Desk has negotiated special airfares exclusively for BookExpo America attendees. Several major carriers are offering deep discounts when booking with the Travel Desk. In addition, the Travel Desk can also access exclusive BookExpo America rates for your hotel accommodations and car reservations.
NEW! EPUB TRACK Brings Hi-Tech Focus To BEA Education Program
This year's Education Program takes an in-depth look at technology and its impact on all areas of book publishing and distribution. Sessions are sponsored by OverDrive, and include topics such as Igniting the eBook Consumer Market, Optimizing Web Content for Mobile Devices, and The Role of Books in the Era of Media Convergence.
Let the co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul Show You How They Sold Over 65 Million Books!
How to Create & Market a Mega-Bestseller
Co-Sponsored by BookExpo America
Date: Friday, June 1, 2001
Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: 405 A/B
Join Mark Victor Hansen, one of the most acclaimed speakers and authors of our time, and his team of industry experts, at a powerful and strategy-filled marketing conference. Together, these experts know more about building an explosively successful writing and publishing empire than any other group on the planet!
Marketing - Publicity - Promotion - Contracts
* How to think like an entrepreneur, not a writer
* The 33 Best-selling "Soup Strategies"
* Unconventional marketing & outrageous promotions
* Creating a Brand
* How to stay motivated, just when you want to give up
* The 90/10 rule of book marketing
* 10 greatest secrets to getting free publicity
* How to be on tour without going on the road
* Securing publicity without a big budget or PR firm
* Discover the most powerful media in America
* Big ideas on a small budget
* How to package your book so that it gets ATTENTION
* How to create an absolutely irresistible book proposal
* 7 secrets to getting publishers fighting over your book proposal
* How to find the right agent
* Organizing your manuscript
* Creating lucrative agent/author relationships
Admission: $197 (sorry, this event is not included in the Education Program Package)
BookExpo America 2001 events will feature a benefit concert in addition to a line-up of notable guest speakers.
Wynton Marsalis, the Grammy Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning distinguished jazz and classical performer, who has recently been interviewed extensively for the documentary Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns, has agreed to perform live in a concert that will benefit the Book Industry Foundation (comprised of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression -- ABFFE -- and the Association of American Publishers' -- AAP's -- "Get Caught Reading" campaign). Proceeds will also benefit the Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong Jazz Camp in New Orleans.
The concert, entitled Jazz in the Bittersweet Blues of Life: BEA's Evening With Wynton Marsalis, will take place at the Fairmont Hotel, 200 N. Columbus, Saturday, June 2, at 10:00 pm. Cost is $25 per ticket, and Da Capo Press/Perseus Books are co-sponsors of the event. Join colleagues, hear the sweet jazz sounds of a man who is clearly one of the world's finest musicians, and support your industry in the process.
Numerous other authors will be featured at the annual industry-wide book convention in many venues, including the traditional Author Breakfasts, as well as several luncheons and a new, special mid-afternoon tea gathering in cooperation with the Audio Publishers Association on Saturday, June 2.
For more information concerning BookExpo America and registration for the above events, please call 800/840-5614 or 203/840-5614 (international) or visit the BEA Web Site.