"Everybody Comes to Frankfurt Because Everybody Comes to Frankfurt".

The International Centre at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2000

The Frankfurt Book Fair has long been known as a champion for freedom of expression. The International Centre will act as a forum for debates and presentations, a platform for writers and the somewhat different version of the spoken word, a venue for discussion of topical issues facing the book trade and publishing all over the world, a meeting place for trade visitors, the press and general public - visit the International Centre in Hall 9 at the Frankfurt Book Fair!

The Whole World of Literature at the International Centre


A premier publishing services firm


Book Publishing Tips of the Day

Daily words of wisdom about doing the book business better. This month: Doing the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Frankfurt Book Fair presents "New Books - New Shops - New Jobs" in the Media Professions.

Electronic Media Centre Shows Tomorrow's Jobs Today.

This year's EMC (Electronic Media Centre) at the Frankfurt Book Fair will focus on the new technologies and new jobs in the media professions. At a total of 30 terminals, Internet bookshops, publishing companies, multimedia service providers, careers training facilities, employment agencies and big companies will present their jobs in the media and publishing, aiming above all at providing students, pupils, specialists, institutions and politicians with a comprehensive overview of new professional profiles and the ways to train, as well as the relevant company data.

Information on new career openings will be available from some of the other 300 multimedia exhibitors in Hall 4.0 or from the total of approx. 2500 publishers from 52 countries also showing electronic products on their stands all across the Fair. The Frankfurt Book Fair is emerging as a job and cooperations market for those for whom content is more important than the medium of publication. Paper, Internet and CD-Rom have long since established themselves on an equal footing or are even used parallel to one another.

Developments in digital technology give rise to new business ideas, new approaches to technical solutions and new products. What participants on the market all have in common, however, is their search for employees who are able to meet the new challenges, just when there is a shortage of skilled professionals. At the same time, new technologies are coming onto the market, involving an enormous need for information. The EMC sets out to assist.

Visitors are to be shown how new professions (such as online editor, media developer, film/video editor, Internet illustrators, IT assistant, layout designer, media designer, online designer, software developer, multimedia programmer, web developer) are emerging for the handling and maintenance of content in association with the new media. They can also find out about the availability of ongoing careers training for multimedia specialists.

This is not merely intended to highlight the current problem of skilled personnel shortages for these media-related jobs, but aims to offer concrete support by providing information for job-seekers, companies and those responsible for policy-making and for the provision of training.

Companies from the publishing sectors involved with the use of the Internet, electronic books, the electronic media and print-on-demand are at the EMC to present the contents of their jobs, the careers training options and the requirements they make of today's job-seekers. The EMC is also designed to support imaginative start-ups in their search for resources.

Exhibitors: The varied program of events surrounding this focus always ensures a big response in the media. Take the opportunity as an exhibitor to prepare your presentation in relation to the topic of "New Books - New Shops - New Jobs" and demonstrate your new products and projects to a huge public (in 1999, more than 40,000 multimedia professionals).

Do you feel our services should include more information on the subject of Electronic Media? We welcome your suggestions via email.

For general information visit the Frankfurt Book Fair website, phone 49 69 2102 263/284, or send an email.

To view previous Book Fair tips, search for "tip Frankfurt."