"Everybody Comes to Frankfurt Because Everybody Comes to Frankfurt".

The International Centre at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2000
The Frankfurt Book Fair has long been known as a champion for freedom of expression. The International Centre will act as a forum for debates and presentations, a platform for writers and the somewhat different version of the spoken word, a venue for discussion of topical issues facing the book trade and publishing all over the world, a meeting place for trade visitors, the press and general public - visit the International Centre in Hall 9 at the Frankfurt Book Fair!Feature
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom about doing the book business better. This month: Doing the Frankfurt Book Fair.
VIRTUAL BOOK FAIRThe Frankfurt Book Fair is expanding its online presence to create an integrated information and service platform for the international publishing industry.
The Frankfurt Book Fair's Internet site has grown to be a true "portal" for the industry, with the two established addresses at www.buchmesse.de (German) and www.book-fair.com (English) offering constantly updated information on publishing companies, books and electronic products, book markets, innovations and trends.
The aim is to create a reliable working tool for professional requirements on all sectors of the book market, an indispensable source for media liaison, marketing, business in rights and licenses, market and subject research, as well as a launch pad for cultivating international contacts.
The familiar directories of the Frankfurt Book Fair are:
* Exhibitor catalogue - the industry's most important directory featuring about 7,000 publishing companies from approx. 110 countries;
* Who's Who - the reliable listing of people in the business, with 17,000 names;
* Frankfurt Rights Catalogue - currently with approx. 15,000 titles in 60 languages from 79 countries, incl. subject keywords, product search and updated rights and license information.
New or much expanded features for this year are:
* The "e-stand" as a new marketing instrument -- an electronic exhibitor stand with its own Internet address and integration in the site's overall title and subject search option, accessible for constant update by rights owners, an effective showcase for the presentation and promotion of titles, whether new publications or the backlist;
* Promotion of company profiles and portfolios, events and highlights from lists, as well as the compilation of online title catalogues;
* Electronic press boxes - linked to the Frankfurt Rights Catalogue, e-stands and overall search option, boosting the effectiveness of online media liaison;
* Subject reviews and newsletter;
* Latest news - in cooperation with the leading international trade media during the Book Fair.
Frankfurt Book Fair online strives to be a complete information partner for the publishing industry -- 365 days a year -- and the perfect addition to the physical fair in the autumn.
For further information on Frankfurt Virtual contact:
MarifÈ Boix-GarcÌa
Tel.: ++49 69 - 2102 257
Fax: ++49 69 - 2102 227
e-mail: boix@book-fair.com
For general information visit the Frankfurt Book Fair website, phone 49 69 2102 263/284, or send an email.
To view previous Book Fair tips, search for "tip Frankfurt."