2016 Moonbeam Medalist and Press Page
Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards! Below is the official results announcement press release and important links.
Books to Inspire Children to "Read Early and Read Often"
2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Award Winners Announced

See the complete results listing here: http://independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=2109
The medal-winning books came from authors young and old, such as Little Leaf, by Lily Mae, a 4th grader from California, whose Zen-like exploration of an oak tree's life cycle won the Best Book by Youth Author gold medal. In contrast, the Best Picture Book Series gold medalist features a new approach to old classics -- "early-learning guides" to the likes of Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's and Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea.

This year's winners are also a very geographically diverse group: medals went to books from 35 U.S. states, six Canadian provinces, and six countries overseas. Each of the 159 medalists possesses a distinctive quality that motivated the judges to award them amongst fierce competition, 1,500 entries in all.

Non-Fiction Picture Book category gold medalist, The Invisible You, by the father/daughter team of NFL Hall of Famer Alan Page and his daughter Kamie Page, portrays multicultural children moving into and adjusting to new neighborhoods. A judge exclaimed, "Every student has the potential to achieve -- kudos to the Page Education Foundation for helping all kids succeed."
Kudos to all of this year's winners for their dedication to children and literature!
Learn more about the book festival at http://www.TCChildrensBookFestival.com.
For more information about the Moonbeam Awards and the winning books, or to interview their creators, contact Awards Director Jim Barnes at 1-800-644-0133 x 1011 or jimb (at) bookpublishing.com.
Moonbeam Awards Merchandise Page where extra award seals, medals, certificates, and electronic versions of the medal artwork are available:
- Seals are available in rolls of 250 and 1000
- You may order additional certificates with customized wording.
- Hi-res versions of the seal artwork are available for reproducing on book covers and promotional materials
Moonbeam Logo Low-Res Artwork for use on webpages, etc.:
Gold artwork: www.moonbeamawards.com/Gold_Moonbeam_LR.jpg
Silver artwork: www.moonbeamawards.com/Silver_Moonbeam_LR.jpg
Bronze artwork: www.moonbeamawards.com/Bronze_Moonbeam_LR.jpg
Moonbeam Award-Winner Bookstore:
Moonbeam Program:
Moonbeam Ceremony Photos:
"The cause of promoting childhood literacy knows no boundaries, and the award winners illustrate that point well, coming not only from long-established publishers and university presses, but from small presses, foundations, museums, and self-published entrepreneurs."
"The Moonbeam Children's Book Awards are intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary children's books and their creators, and to support childhood literacy and life-long reading. The Awards recognize and reward the best of these books and bring them to the attention of parents, booksellers, librarians - and to children themselves."