Making the Most of BookExpo 2000

Read Brian Jud's "Trade Show Success is as Easy as PIE" in our Passageways to Profits column.

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Book Publishing Tips of the Day

Daily words of wisdom from Tami DePalma and other publishing industry experts. Throughout the month of May we'll feature tips on taking full advantage of the BookExpo America trade show. Today's Tip from DePalma: "Get Visual!"


Get Visual! On your media kit folder, place a catchy label or even your book cover to the front for a quick visual boost, and to increase your repetition factor.

When printing the cover of your book, consider your media kit materials, too. Print book marks, post cards, business cards - all at the cost of design and cut lines. Don't forget contact information on each and every piece!

(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?

Making the Most of BookExpo America 2000 - Chicago, June 1-4

"Find Out Where is ePublishing Heading."

Learn more about the future of ePublishing from the experts at BEA. Attend a series of panel discussions sponsored by netLibrary that will explore new avenues in electronic publishing:

"Electronic Books and the Digital Library: Perspectives for Publishers," on Saturday, June 3, from 12 to 1 p.m. at the McCormick Place Hyatt.

Offering both library and vendor perspectives, this program will examine the changing library market and explore the impact that eBooks will have on publishers and book distribution. Seating is limited, so R.S.V.P. by May 29 to Cosponsored by netLibrary and Blackwell's Book Services.

"eBooks -- What Have We Learned and Where Are We Going?" Friday, June 2 2 to 3 p.m. at McCormick Place Meeting Room 105D.

Find out which ePublishing models are working, what consumers think about eBooks and where the future of this new avenue in publishing is headed. This panel discussion is sponsored by netLibrary and will include top thinkers from Microsoft, NuvoMedia, netLibrary, and

For more information concerning BookExpo America, visit the BEA Web Site.