Making the Most of BookExpo 2000

Read Brian Jud's "Trade Show Success is as Easy as PIE" in our Passageways to Profits column.
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Tami DePalma and other publishing industry experts. Throughout the month of May we'll feature tips on taking full advantage of the BookExpo America trade show. Today's Tip from DePalma: "Include Lots of Contact Numbers."
On your media materials, include multiple contact methods - two phone numbers, an email address, fax number, cell phone, 24-hour contact number, toll-free number. Assure the media that even if they call while you're on vacation, in the shower, sleeping, in a movie or on a date, they can get in contact with you in some way.
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?
Making the Most of BookExpo America 2000 - Chicago, June 1-4
"Attend the Author Breakfasts."
Each morning at BookExpo will feature an author breakfast: On Friday, in cooperation with the American Booksellers Association and the Children's Book Council Joint Committee, The Book Sense Children's Book of the Year Award and the Lucile Michaels Panell Awards will be presented. Speakers: Philip Pullman, author of The Amber Spyglass (Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers); Peter Sis, author and illustrator of Madlenka (Francis Foster Books, Farrar, Straus & Giroux) and Dinosaur! (Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins Children's Books) and Julie Andrews Edwards, author of Dumpy the Dump Truck (Hyperion Books for Children).
On Saturday morning Ted Koppel, author of Off Camera (Alfred A. Knopf), Terry Tempest Williams, author of Leap (Pantheon Books), and Jerry Stiller, author of Married to Laughter: A Love Story featuring Anne Meara (Simon & Schuster).
Sunday morning will feature Sister Wendy Beckett, author of Sister Wendy's Great American Collections (Harper Collins), Michael Ondaatje, author of Anil's Ghost (Alfred A. Knopf); and Katie Couric, author of The Brand New Kid (Doubleday), and presentation of the Blackboard Book of the Year Awards.
The Author Breakfasts take place in the Grand Ballroom from 8:00am - 9:30am each day; cost is $22 per event.
For more information concerning BookExpo America, visit the BEA Web Site.