Welcome to the Axiom Business Book Awards

The Axiom Business Book Awards are celebrating their inaugural year with 25 different categories, designed to bring increased recognition to the year’s very best business books and their creators.
The goal of the awards is to celebrate the innovative, intelligent, and creative aspects of the books that make us think, see, and work differently every day. The awards offer no global boundaries, giving participants from every continent the opportunity to earn further recognition for their English-language titles.
Celebrate with us and experience the greatest business books the world has to offer...including yours!
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Announcing the Results of the First Annual Axiom Business Book Awards
“Recognizing and promoting the world’s best business titles.”
Jenkins Group Inc. is proud to announce the final results of the first annual, 2008 Axiom Business Book Awards, designed to honor the best business books of the year, along with their authors and publishers.The Axiom Business Book Awards are intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary business books and their creators, with the understanding that business people are a very well-read and informed segment of the population, eager to learn about great new books that will inspire and inform them, and help them improve their careers and businesses.
Nearly 400 entries were received in this inaugural year of our contest; the largest categories in terms of participation were Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Success/Motivation, in that order. The big winners among publishers are Portfolio/Penguin with 5 medals; Wiley with 4; and Free Press and Bloomberg with 3 medals apiece.
Results are listed below, by category, with Gold, Silver and Bronze medal designations.
Congratulations to all!
1. Career (job search, career advancement)
Gold (tie): Double Outsiders: How Women of Color Can Succeed in Corporate America, by Jessica Faye Carter, J.D., MBA (Jist Works) and No More Ramen: The 20-Something’s Real World Survival Guide, by Nicholas Aretakis (Next Stage Press)
Silver: Get Ahead by Going Abroad: A Woman’s Guide to Fast-track Career Success, by C. Perry Yeatman & Stacie Nevadomski Berdan (HarperCollins)
Bronze: When Your Parents Sign the Paychecks: Finding Career Success Inside or Outside the Family Business, by Greg McCann (Jist Works)

2. Sales (sales skills, negotiating, closing)
Gold: Think Like a CEO, by Mark Kuta, Jr. (Flow Publishing)
Silver: Trust-Based Selling, by Charles H. Green (McGraw-Hill)
Bronze: The Entrepreneurial Conversation, by Edward G. Rogoff & Michael Corbett with Perry-Lynn Moffitt (Pinnacle Books)
3. Leadership
Gold: Conscious Business: How To Build Value Through Values, by Fred Kofman (Sounds True)
Silver: Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls, by Noel M. Tichy and Warren G. Bennis (Portfolio/Penguin Group)
Bronze: Leaders’ Playbook, by Reldan S. Nadler, Psy.D. (Psyccess Press); Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business, by Gino Wickman (Entrepreneurial Operating System); Surrounded by Geniuses, by Dr. Alan S. Gregerman (Sourcebooks); Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking & Build a Healthy Thriving Organization, by Judith E. Glaser (Platinum Press)
4. Communication Skills/Networking
Gold: Perform at Your Best: Acting Techniques for Business, Personal & Social Success, by Jane Marla Robbins (Plain White Press)
Silver: Talk To Me, by Dr. Dennis O’Grady (New Insights Communications)
Bronze: Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace, by Dennis S. Reina, Ph.D. and Michelle L. Reina, Ph.D. (Berrett Koehler)
5. Business Ethics
Gold: The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse, by Marianne M. Jennings, J.D. (St. Martins Press)
Silver: Branded!: How the Certification Revolution is Transforming Global Corporations, by Michael E. Conroy (New Society Press)
Bronze: The Truth About Trust in Business, by Vanessa Hall (Entente); Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy, by Hazel Henderson with Simran Sethi (Chelsea Green)
6. Operations Management/Productivity/TQM
Gold: A Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development, by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD (Authenticity Consulting LLC)
Silver: The Power of Paradox, by H. Evan Woodhead (Hasley Enterprises)
Bronze: Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, by Gino Wickman (Entrepreneurial Operating System); The Halo Effect, by Phil Rosenzweig (Free Press)

7. Human Resources/Employee Training
Gold: Achieve Brand Integrity: Ten Truths You Must Know to Enhance Employee Performance and Increase Company Profits, by Gregg Lederman (B@W Press)
Silver: Growing Great Employees, by Erika Andersen (Portfolio/Penguin Group)
Bronze: The Retailer’s Roadmap to Success, by Andy Buyting (GVP Publishing); HR Excellence, by Scott Weston (Excellence Media)
8. Entrepreneurship
Gold: From Edison to iPod: Protect Your Ideas and Make Money, by Frederick Mostert & Lawrence E. Apolzon (Dorling Kindersley Ltd.)
Silver: Get Smarter: Life and Business Lessons, by Seymour Schulich with Derek DeCloet (Key Porter Books)
Bronze: My Painting is Done, Now What Do I Do?, by Suzie Seerey-Lester (Mermaid Press); Running a Bar for Dummies, by Ray Foley and Heather Dismore (Wiley Publishing)
9. Philanthropy/Charity/Nonprofit
Gold: Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Non-Profits, by Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant (Jossey-Bass)
Silver: Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age, by Allison H. Fine (Jossey-Bass)
Bronze: Migrating from Innovation to Entrepreneurship: How Non-Profits are Moving toward Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency, by Jerr Boschee (Encore! Press)
10. Accounting/Taxes
Gold: Basic Accounting Concepts, Principles, and Procedures: Volume 1, Building the Conceptual Foundation, by Gregory R. Mostyn (Worthy & James Publishing)
Silver: Basic Accounting Concepts, Principles, and Procedures: Volume 2, Applying Principles and Procedures, by Gregory R. Mostyn (Worthy & James Publishing)
Bronze: International Aspects of Individual U.S. Tax Returns, by Paula N. Singer, Esq. (Windstar Publishing)
11. Economics (micro, macro, global finance)
Gold: The Emerging Markets Century: How a New Breed of World-Class Companies Is Overtaking the World, by Antoine van Agtmael (Free Press)
Silver: Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams (Portfolio/Penguin Group)
Bronze: The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth, by Mark Anielski (New Society Publishers)
12. Personal Finance (estate planning, debt management)
Gold: The Lies About Money, by Ric Edelman (Free Press)
Silver: Life is Short, Art is Long, by Michael Mendelsohn with Paige Stover Hague, Esq. (Wealth Management Press)
Bronze: The Quiet Millionaire: A Guide for Accumulating and Keeping Your Wealth, by Brett Wilder (FMG Publishing)
13. Investing (stocks, bonds, hedge funds, options, futures)
Gold: Polar Perspectives, by David Bensimon (Polar Pacific)
Silver: Bonds: The Unbeaten Path to Secure Investment Growth, by Hildy Richelson & Stan Richelson (Bloomberg)
Bronze: The Options Playbook, by Brian Overby (TradeKing)
14. Retirement Planning
Gold: Practicing Financial Planning for Professionals, by Sid Mittra and Anandi P. Sahu with Robert A. Crane (Rochester Hills Publishing/publishnow.net, Inc.)
Silver: Retirement Income Redesigned: Master Plans for Distribution, edited by Harold Evensky & Deena B. Katz (Bloomberg)
Bronze: The Complete Guide to Planning Your Estate, by Sandy Baker (Atlantic Publishing)
15. Coaching/Mentoring
Gold: Mentor: The Kid & the CEO, by Tom Pace with Walter Jenkins (MentorHope Publishing)
Silver: Motivator Teacher Shrink: How to Attract and Develop Highly Successful Salespeople, by Bob Teichart (Motes Publishing)
Bronze: The ABC’s of Leadership, by Douglas R. Bender

16. Success/Motivation
Gold: The Dip: A Little Book that Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick), by Seth Godin (Portfolio/Penguin Group)
Silver: The Age of Speed: Learning to Thrive in a More-Faster-Now World, by Vince Poscente (Bard Press)
Bronze: Lasting Contribution: How to Think, Plan, and Act to Accomplish Meaningful Work, by Tad Waddington (B2 Books/Agate); Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny, by Suze Orman (Spiegel & Grau)
17. Advertising/Marketing/PR/Event Planning
Gold (tie): Beyond Buzz: The Next Generation of Word-of-Mouth Marketing, by Lois Kelly (Amacom) and Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, by Andy Sernovitz (Kaplan Publishing)
Silver (tie): Press Releases Are Not a PR Strategy: An Executive’s Guide to Public Relations, by Linda B. VandeVrede (VandeVrede Public Relations) and Now Is Gone, by Geoff Livingston with Brian Solis (Bartleby Press)
Bronze: The Science of Spiritual Marketing: Initiation Into Magnetism, by Andrea Adler (Prasad Publishing)
18. Branding (corporate history, anniversary, promo)
Gold: Timber Frames: Designing Your Custom Home, by Jeremy Bonin with Rebecca Sandiford (The Heliconia Press)
Silver: Responsible to the Earth: The Remarkable History of the Port Blakely Companies, by Ross Yockey & L. Beth Yockey (Abecedary Press)
Bronze: A Legacy of Trust: The Story of FCCI, by E.L. Wilks (Legacies & Memories)
19. Self-Employment/Home-Based Business
Gold: The Writer Within You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing In Your Retirement Years, by Charles Jacobs (Caros Books)
Silver: Bankable Business Plans (2nd Edition), by Edward G. Rogoff (Rowhouse Publishing)
Bronze: Full-Time Woman, Part-Time Career, by Karen Steede Terry (CMS Press)
20. Real Estate (buying, investing, management)
Gold: Foreclosure Investing for Dummies, by Ralph R. Roberts with Joe Kraynak (Wiley Publishing)
Silver: Flipping Confidential: The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit in Any Market, by Kirsten Kemp (Wiley Publishing)
Bronze: Lawyers Are Liars: The Truth About Protecting Our Assets! , by Mark J. Kohler (Life’s Plan Publishing)
21. Business Reference (legal, how-to)
Gold: International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2007, edited by Joseph Hilyard (PennWell)
Silver: The Restaurant Manager’s Handbook, by Douglas Robert Brown (Atlantic Publishing)
Bronze: Reverse Mergers: Taking a Company Public Without an IPO, by David N. Feldman (Bloomberg)

22. Memoir/Biography
Gold: The House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine Dynasty, by Julia Flynn Siler (Gotham Books/Penguin Group)
Silver: Small Town Showdown, by Eileen Umbehr (Xulon Press)
Bronze: Northern Tigers: Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions, by Dick Haskayne with Paul Grescoe (Key Porter Books)
23. Business Fable
Gold: Sell the Feeling: The 6-Step System that Drives People to Do Business with You, by Larry Pinci & Phil Glosserman (Mindworks Media)
Silver: The Dream Manager, by Matthew Kelly (Hyperion)
Bronze: Juggling Elephants: An Easier Way to Get Your Most Important Things Done – Now! , by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig (Portfolio/Penguin Group); Ask Dr. Mac: Take the Journey to Authentic Leadership, by Greg Giesen (GGA Inc. Publishers)
24. International Business/Globalization
Gold: The Culture of Collaboration: Maximizing Time, Talent and Tools to Create Value in the Global Economy, by Evan Rosen (Red Ape Publishing)
Silver: World Inc.: Businesses Are Now More Powerful than Government, by Bruce Piasecki (Sourcebooks)
Bronze: Doing Business in China for Dummies, by Robert Collins, MBA and Carson Block, Esq. (Wiley Publishing)
25. Technology/Computers
Gold: Flash CS3 Professional with Rich Shupe, by Rich Shupe (lynda.com)
Silver: Fundamentals of Performance Engineering: You can’t spell firefighter without IT, by Keith Smith and Bob Wescott (HyPerformix Press)
Bronze: Big Bim, Little Bim: The Practical Approach to Building Information Modeling, by Finith Jernigan (4Site Press)
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