Making the Most of BookExpo 2000

Read Brian Jud's "Trade Show Success is as Easy as PIE" in our Passageways to Profits column.
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Tami DePalma and other publishing industry experts. Throughout the month of May we'll feature tips on taking full advantage of the BookExpo America trade show. Today's Tip from DePalma: "Add a Lump to your Media Kit."
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also got the media contact to open the envelope! Put something lumpy in your media kit (and we don't just mean your book) to strike an interest and get them inside the envelope into your media kit. We've used hearing aid testers, dollar sign-shaped erasers, feathers, inexpensively framed poetry, etc. (check tomorrow's Tip of the Day for more info)
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?
Making the Most of BookExpo America 2000 - Chicago, June 1-4
"Catch Up On Publishing Technology: Part 2."
Digital technology is altering the way the book business is conducted as new companies developing everything from handheld e-books to providing e-publishing services via the Internet seek their own ground on this changing landscape. BookExpo will showcase the very latest in how the written word will be delivered to consumers at this year's annual exhibit. Print-on-demand technology and applications have expanded dramatically, even in the short time since last year's exposition.
BEA has set aside a special area of the convention floor that will house publisher services exhibitors that will show the latest in their print technology. Meanwhile, over 40 other technology companies, from software developers to Internet service providers, will be scattered in various locations on the convention floor. These exhibitors, in addition to those listed above, include: Adobe System,, Glassbook,,, Softbook Press, and Xerox, among others.
For more information concerning BookExpo America, visit the BEA Web Site.