Bookworld Launches Smallpress Central Website
Offering a free book with every order and a fresh look at America’s small book publishers, a new website called has been created by Bookworld, one of America’s major sales and distribution services for publishers.“On the web today,” comments the announcement, “small presses appear only fitfully. Here and there. There is no one place where they can all be accessed. We’re setting out to remedy this by creating a central site for all small presses.”
In the beginning, the new web site will lead viewers to the very large offering of small press titles, more than 2000 of them. It’s the site called More than 150 publishers are represented. The sponsors intend that thousands more publishers can be accessed through the site as time passes.
“Small publishers – those with half-a-dozen or fewer new titles each year, compared to hundreds or thousands from the giant publishers – wield influence far out of proportion to their size,” says the announcement. “Small presses are inventive and courageous. They lead, not follow. And they are the route into getting published for hundreds of authors who can’t get accepted by big publishers.” will concentrate on books, not services. Said the announcement: “There are already fine sources for consultants and associations. But no place can a reader browse the books of thousands of small publishers, not even at Amazon and”
The sponsoring company, Bookworld, is headquartered at 1941 Whitfield Park Loop, Sarasota FL 34243, telephone 800/444-2524, extension 215. email: