Book Blast-Off

A mention or an interview on any show can sell books but the very best is Oprah Winfrey's show. Many authors have seen their books climb to the bestseller lists due to an appearance there.
Book Publishing Tips of the Day
Daily words of wisdom from Dan Poynter and other publishing industry experts. (Search on "tip" in archives for complete list.) - Today's Tip from Poynter: "Hit the Airwaves."
Exploit the inexpensive way to sell books.
According to Bradley Communications, more than 10,200 guests appear on some 4,250 local news, interview and talk shows across the U.S each day. And, about 95 percent of the guests do not have recognizable names.
Radio and television talk shows need interesting guests to attract listeners and viewers. Most people think that authors are experts and celebrities, so most of the guests booked on these shows are authors. Your book is actually your entrČe to the airwaves.
Advertising products on the air is expensive, and since people are skeptical of advertising, they tend to tune it out. Interviews, however, are editorial matter. People listen to editorial matter. Interviews are more effective than advertising and they are free.
"The six most important words in book promotion are: "Nice-to-see-you-again, Oprah."
(c) 2000 by Dan Poynter. For more tips and information on book writing, publishing and promoting, see the Para Publishing Web site.
Editors and reports use sidebars to quickly catch the eye of the reader, and attract the right audience to the meat of the article. Why shouldn't you use the same strategy to grab the attention of the media? Good sidebars are often a list of resources or bulleted tips to demonstrate a point.
(c) 2000 by Tami DePalma. For more tips and information about "Marketing with a Twist," visit the MarketAbility Web site. Don't your books deserve MAXIMUM EXPOSURE?